NTILE is a SQL Server function that can be called in a TSQL Query. This is part of the free sql query training to prepare for the Microsoft 70-461 queries exam. Here is a video presentation on using the TSQL NTILE function. And here is the sample code associated with the presentation. Feel free to copy and paste to SSMS …

TSQL Queries – Using NTILE Read more »

The SQL Training was a lot of fun this week we covered Top, Ranking, NTILE, and Analytic functions in preparation for the Microsoft 70-461 exam. Next week Aaron Buma and I will be presenting Set Operators, Derived Tables and CTEs. The live session will be with Google On Air Broadcasts Thursday Feb 12th at 9:00am (pacific). This is a FREE SQL Training …

SQL Query Training – Next Week – Set Operators, Derived Tables and CTEs Read more »

  Continuing our weekly SQL Query Training for the 70-461 exam preparation, at Steve Stedman, sharing this weeks class with the world. Free SQL Query training.     Here is the video of the training on TOP, Ranking, NTILE, and Aggregate Functions today. The first half was presented by Aaron Buma, and the second half I presented. The following topics …

TOP, Ranking, NTILE, and Aggregate Functions Read more »

As posted earlier. This weeks SQL Queries training for the 70-461 certification will be on Thursday at 9:00am (US pacific time). Please join the live broadcast on Google On Air Hangouts, or catch the recorded version on myYouTube Channel. Aaron Buma will be presenting the first half of the session and I will be presenting the second half. We will …

Downloads for this weeks SQL Training Read more »

This weeks SQL Queries training for the 70-461 certification will be on Thursday at 9:00am (US pacific time). Please join the live broadcast on Google On Air Hangouts, or catch the recorded version on my YouTube Channel. Aaron Buma will be presenting the first half of the session and I will be presenting the second half. We will start off …

This Weeks SQL Server Queries Training Read more »

Today I am happy to announce that Database Health Monitor Beta 10 has been released. Click here to go to the download page. The following changes have been made since Beta 9.3. New Features Updated new, fresh icon. Adding filegroup and partitioning key into the partitioning report. Added linking to the IndieGoGo campaign to help fund the next beta. Bug …

Database Health Monitor Beta 10 Released Read more »

This weeks training as part of the Free SQL Training for the 70-461 certification course is now available on YouTube. This week we covered Aggregating Data and Aggregation strategies.  For more information on sessions, take a look at the Free SQL Training course that we have outlined. TSQL Aggregation video The first half is presented by Aaron Buma and the second …

TSQL Aggregation Strategies and Aggregating Data Read more »