The Database Corruption Challenge – Grand Finale
The final challenge #10 in the Database Corruption Challenge starts this Friday (July 17th) at 6:00pm (Pacific Time).
After 9 other challenges we come to the final competition in this series. Many have competed, many have won, this is your chance to participate.
For those who have succeeded in all the other 9 Database Corruption Challenges you should not have a problem, however this will be the most complex corruption challenge yet.
High Scoring Participants
The top 10 scoring participants in the challenge will each be awarded a Database Corruption Challenge t-shirt. So if you think you are going to be in the top 10 be sure to submit your t-shirt size with your entry this week.
For all those attending PASS Summit 2015 in Seattle, your shirt will be awarded there, if you are not attending PASS Summit, or would like your shirt sooner than that, I can ship it to you as long as you pay the shipping charges.
The Previous Challenges
To prepare yourself for the Grand Finale, you may want to review the previous weeks of the corruption challenge.
- Week 1 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Brent Ozar, his solution is posted here. Also there is an alternate solution provided by Andre Kamman.
- Week 2 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Rob Farley, his solution is posted. An alternate solution was provided by Bogdan Sahlean.
- Week 3 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Randolph West, and his week 3 solution is posted. There was no alternate for week 3, everyone who solved week 3 did it the same way.
- Week 4 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Randolph West, his week 4 solution is posted. An alternate solution using CTE’s was posted by Patrick Flynn.
- Week 5 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Patrick Flynn, and his week 5 solution is posted. An alternate solutions is also posted that I created.
- Week 6 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Raul Gonzalez.
- Week 7 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Raul Gonzalez, with an alternate solution from Patrick Flynn.
- Week 8 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Rob Farley.
- Week 9 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Eduardo Rezende.
In almost all of the previous weeks the corruption was solved multiple ways by different participants, and I was impressed with many of the different solutions. Nice work to everyone who has participated.
Help Spread The Word
It would be greatly appreciated if you could share a link to this page to get the word out on the final corruption challenge. Please share this link:
Post it to Twitter with the #DatabaseCorruptionChallenge has tag, or to Linked In, Facebook, your blog. Show your participation in the competition.
Blog Interview
Each participant in the final Corruption Challenge is eligible to participate in a blog interview, a series of questions about the competition that can be answered, with the results posted here on the blog site. Participants who answer the blog interview questions will be given an extra point in the final Corruption Challenge.
Scoring the Grand Finale
There will be a total of 6 points available in this weeks challenge.
- 1 point for being the first to solve the corruption challenge, and posting something about the corruption challenge on Twitter or LinkedIn.
- 1 point for having the solution right the first time you submit your solution.
- 3 points for solving all the corruption with no data loss and providing the TSQL code (or other steps) that was used to fix the corruption.
- 1 point for completing the Blog Interview Questions. This does not have to be submitted with your solution, but it does need to be submitted by the end of the competition.
Preparing for the Grand Finale
- If you are not signed up for my newsletter, be sure to subscribe, as details on the challenge will be distributed with the newsletter during this final challenge.
- Be ready at 6:00pm (Pacific time) on Friday July 17th.
- Study the previous corruption challenges and be sure you understand what was involved in the winning solutions.
- When the challenge is released be sure to read all the details. In past challenges, some have overlooked parts of the challenge.
- Get a good nights rest the night before (unless you are in a time zone where 6:00pm pacific isn’t convenient – sorry about that).
- Be well hydrated. It is the summer in the northern hemisphere. For some this means coffee, for others it may mean a sport drink.
Whats next?
After this challenge is complete, and the winners are posted, I will be sending out a short survey looking for feedback on some ideas that I have for where to go once this challenge is complete. If you can take the time to answer these questions when the survey comes out it would be greatly appreciated.
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