Covers the steps you need to monitor your SQL Server using the Database Health Monitor application.
Learn how to monitor your wait statistics, you blocking queries, and to find out the best ways to improve performance with what you learn.
Purchase of this course gets you a license to Database Health Monitor and the ability to connect to 20 servers for 1 year.

This information packed course will help determine if you have a sufficient backup strategy and restore plan OR help you build one from scratch.
real life stories, RTO and RPO lesson with examples, what might you need to restore from, types of backups, configuring backups with maintenance plans, restoring from backups, ransomware considerations, building restore script and other backup tools.

In this course you will first gain an understanding of the differences between each of these types of joins and when they should be used.
Then we’ll explore some common uses for joins, such as replacing a not in clause with join to get the same results with better performance.
You will take home the right foundations to get at the data that you want.

Learn to use CTE’s for recursive queries, as temporary views, and to use the result set multiple times in the same query.
One of the most overlooked features of SQL Server is the CTE which not only simplifies the query, but gives you the ability to do things that would otherwise be impossible (or at least very challenging) with SQL Server.
Learn how recursive CTE’s perform better than other methods to create hierarchical results. See how CTE’s compare to SQL Server offset and fetch paging techniques and more.

This course relates to databases and how you can better prepare your SQL Server for a ransomware attack.
Statistics are saying ransomware attacks are at an all time high and it’s not if but WHEN you’ll get hit.
This free course is meant to deliver accurate information about ransomware so you can make a plan for your SQL Server and not give in to these crooks.
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