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My Resume

You can download my resume as a PDF. SteveStedmanResume.PDF

The the most up to date work information visit my Linked In Profile:


For 30+ years I have been working in the software development and database areas.  I first started with databases using Microsoft SQL Server in 1990, SQL Server version 1.0  The last several years I have been exclusively focused on Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL database programming, performance tuning, scalability and administration.


My strongest skill is the ability to get things done.  What I mean by this is that when I am given a task, I am able to assess what is required to get the task done, and work either on my own or with a team to confirm the requirements of the task, then determine available options for getting that task done.  Problem solving is a big part of this, combined with an almost stubborn desire to never give up.  The word “can’t” is not in my vocabulary, I generally try to never use the word “can’t”, rather I try to re-think things to figure out a workable solution that can be done.

Recent Skills Include:

  • MySQL and SQL Server production, development, and test database administration.  Including index defragmentation, DBCC, consistency checks, Performance Monitor (perfmon), SQL Profiler, Wait analysis, and Index Tuning.
  • MySQL and SQL Server performance tuning and query optimization.  Figuring out what is causing a system to slow down and how to get it to run faster.
  • Running Microsoft SQL Server in a High Availability (HA) environment where uptime and reliability are paramount.  Disaster Recovery (DR) testing and planning.
  • Planning and execution of SQL Server Backup and Recovery strategy and execution.
  • Technical writing, speaking and training.  This includes teaching the SQL Server Specialist and SQL Server Developer Certificate programs at Western Washington University.  Most recently this includes SQL Saturday and Code Camp presentations.


Independent Database Consultant

2015 – Present     Stedman Solutions, LLC

  • Assist clients with SQL Server DBA services, including performance tuning, database upgrades, scalability planning, along with backup and recovery.
  • Perform database health assessments and monitoring.
  • Performed Disaster Recovery Planning with clients.
  • Run the weekly Database Corruption Challenge
  • Built the Database Health Monitor Application

SQL Server Speaker / Presenter

2012 – Present    SQL Saturday

  • Presented on various SQL Server topics to SQL Server programmers and administrators at the SQL Saturday presentations in Redmond WA, Vancouver BC, Portland OR, and Olympia WA.
  • Presentations include:  Unleashing Common Table Expressions in SQL Server, Using SSRS Reports to Analyze SQL Server Health, Whats new in TSQL 2012, SQL Server Performance for Developers.

 Chief Technology Officer (with focus on Database Administration)

2008 – 2015     Emergency Reporting       (See a recommendation from my supervisor Recommendation_From_Adrian.pdf.)

  • Responsible for the database architecture, including all aspects of a high availability system, including multiple development systems, and the deployment of database changes from a development system to a staging system, then on to the production system.
  • Responsible for the ongoing maintenance and performance tuning of a Microsoft SQL Server in a high availability environment.
  • A recent accomplishment involved moving a SQL Server database system 90 miles from one data center to another.  This was accomplished with about 8 minutes of downtime, and involved a process of log shipping to move all of the data from one system to the other while the systems were still running.

Firefighter / EMT

2009 – Present  Whatcom County Fire District 17

  • Volunteer Firefighter / EMT responding to a variety of ems, fire and other calls.

Instructor – SQL Server Specialist Certificate and SQL Server Developer Certificate Program

2009 – 2010 Western Washington University

  • As the instructor of the SQL Server series of classes at the WWU Extended Education Program, I have planned and taught a series of 5 and 10 week classes focusing on different topics of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2008.
  • The class included basic topics like installing SQL Server and more advanced topics like Reporting Services (SSRS) and High Availability including replication and mirroring.

Freelance Database Consultant

June 2007 – 2009 WhatcomBiz Incorporated – Freelance contractor

  • Extensive Database Performance Tuning.
  • SQL Server projects: Integration of Microsoft Dynamics database with several vendor databases to reconcile inventory received at stores.
  • Creation and and execution of backup and recovery plans to handle a recovery in the event of a catastrophic event.
  • Disaster recovery planning.

VP of Development and Infrastructure

July 2000 – June 2007     Innuity, Inc (dba:, Merchant Partners, Credit Discovery, and Innuity Inc)

  • Managed personnel and technology on 4 different teams, web site systems (, credit card processing (Merchant Partners), underwriting and boarding of merchants (Credit Discovery), and Corporate infrastructure.
  • Responsible for the day to day administration and future planning on several database platforms, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and MySQL. These responsibilities included installing, configuring, troubleshooting, performance tuning, and managing backups daily.
  • Also responsible for the uninterrupted database availability by managing load, space, and performance, measuring growth and projecting for future load to ensure continued optimal performance and smooth server upgrades
  • Planned and tested disaster recovery planning.  Planned and implemented the resolution of system and software issues related to the company’s database systems
  • On call 24×7 for response to systems issues.

Software Engineering Team Manager

1999 – 2000

  • Management of the people and the technology on a 10 person development team.
  • Lead the technical design and project management on several projects, which included large amounts of data, and the scaling of those systems to all customers.
  • Participated in extensive database design, with specific focus on performance tuning.

Internet Technologist and Development Manager

1995 – 1999     Wall Data

  • I was in one of the most leading edge Internet position in the company. I have done the initial research and proof of concept on the projects listed below as well as on several others. In this role, I was responsible for the initial research, experimentation, planning, prototype, and software development and database development (Microsoft SQL Server).
  • Responsible for the release of two major new products for the company.  Both of the above products needed extreme quality to be delivered into mission critical environments, and my team and I were able to provide that high level of quality.

Lead Developer

1995     SofTrade International

  • Set the development direction for the company, including the choice of all development technologies. Took a new product from just an idea to a released product in the Japanese market. Worked with artists, designers and translators to create a new product.
  • Technology was windows development using Microsoft’s development environment for applications designed to run in Japanese.

Entrepreneur, Founder, and VP of Software Development

1993-1995    SynApps Software

  • Company founder and inventor of new software products.  Created a suite of 10 applications to add on to the windows operating system to add functionality that was not available in the early versions of Windows.

Software Development Intern

1990 – 1991     Microsoft Corporation

  • Participated in multiple internships at Microsoft.  Interned as a software developer on the initial version of Windows NT. Interned as a support technician at the time that Windows 3.0 was released.
  • Worked with Microsoft SQL Server in a multiple user environment to develop an application that was used by Microsoft Worldwide Support Services at that time.
  • Trained on and used SQL Server version 1.0.

Professional Training

  • Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases – April 2015
  • Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 – 70-461 Exam – November, 2013
  • SQL DevTeach 2013 – Week long SQL Server course
  • DevConnections 2009 – A week long course focused solely on Microsoft SQL Server, including High Availability Strategy, Server Virtualization, Database Performance Tuning, SSRS, Database design, SQL Server 2008 features, and new SQL Server 2008 R2 features.
  • American Management Association – Improving managerial Skills of the New or Prospective Manager.
  • American Management Association – Improving Your Project Management Skills: The Basics for Success.
  • The Dale Carnegie Course.
  • Wall Data Project Management Classes – Focused on project estimating and scheduling, and product delivery.
  • Extreme Programming – Class taught by Kent Beck, author of “Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change”.


In addition to the normal work related topics, I enjoy the following activities:

Snowboarding, wake boarding, backpacking, camping and hiking, boating in the San Juan Islands, mountain biking, rock climbing, scuba diving, and surfing.

Getting Help from Steve and the Team

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7 thoughts on “My Resume”

  1. Hi there, a search for an SQL update query landed me to your website somehow. As I was reading you CV, which admittedly is quite rich, I found a few typos in the section about Freelance Database Consultant and thought you might want to correct them: in the 1st line please notice the “databases databases”. Also the last line in that section reads “and and”. I think overall you repeat the word “database” 5 times in that section alone.

    Greetings from a web developer from Greece.

  2. I am looking for SQL Server Mentoring program. Here is what I specifically need help with.
    I am transition to a career in Database management, and looking to get a job as a SQL Server Developer or SQL Server DBA. I recently took a 1 week training and been practicing on my own everything I learned in the training but don’t know how to launch a job after taking this training.

    Need guidance and advice so I can prepare for interviews and apply for jobs in this area.

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