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SQL Server Health

Take a look at the Database Corruption Challenge





The SQL Server Health reports has been replaced with the Database Health Application.

Please visit for more details.

The free SQL Server Health report evaluates a number of areas of your database, and provides details on problems and what can be done to fix them.


One question that comes up is “what do I need to install on my SQL Server?”  The answer is NOTHING, the Database Health Reports is an application that can install on your SQL Server, or it can be installed on your desktop.

Here are some screen shots:

Wait Monitoring Report



After downloading and attempting to use the report, you will need to configure the datasource to connect to your server.  See the help page for more details.


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9 thoughts on “SQL Server Health”

  1. I tried opening up this package in BI and it says missing databse value . Where should I populate the database value . Do Advice

    1. Yes instead of running in preview mode, just hit Run or F5 in Business Intelligence Studio or Visual Studio, and that will run the reports.

  2. How do I correctly define a data source? I’ve added one via “shared data sources” but each time I run it I recieve “The report definition for report /chooseserver has not been specified.

    1. MT – Distributing the SSRS reports for server health has proven to be a challenge, specifically relating to the shared datasources. I have been working on Version 2.0 of the health reports, which should be available as a beta in September 2012. The new health reports allow for multiple databases, and for much easier datasource configuration.

      If you are interested in being a beta user just register on this site (if you haven’t done so already), and you will be notified when the beta is available.

      1. I also get that error. Is there anything we can look at on our side to resolve this or should i just sign up and test the beta?

        1. I was actually able to resolve the issue by simply copying the “chooseServer” and “Header” rdl’s into the Bin\Debug directory. After that everything worked fine. The first time it ran after doing that it did give me an error but it seemed to compile some more files in that directory and ran fine the second time. Hope this helps.

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