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Database Corruption Challenge #9 Complete

Database Corruption Challenge #9 has completed with 19 winning participants, you can take a look at the scoring page for exact details. The first to solve the challenge this week was Eduardo Rezende who provided the winning solution just 58 minutes after the challenge began. The second winning solution arrived less than a minute after the first, so it was a very close win for Eduardo. If you know Eduardo (or even if you don’t), take a moment to congratulate him on his win.

Thee was no additional clue provided this time, nobody asked for one and everyone who submitted a solution had the correct answer.

The corruption consisted of several corrupt pages in a nonClustered index, and two different tables with clustered indexes that had corruption. What was interesting about the corruption was that in the two clustered indexes, even though DBCC CheckDB or CheckTable show errors, it was still possible to use SELECT * FROM tablename and get all the results back. Which meant that the corruption could be fixed by selecting everything from the table, deleting the corrupt pages, and then putting the missing data back into the table. The challenge was that one of the tables had many other tables with foreign key constraints. Some solved it by dropping the foreign keys, truncating the table, then reinserting the data and recreating the foreign keys. Others solved it by using DBCC CheckTable with the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option, then they just put the rows back that were missing.

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When Database Corruption Strikes

Today I am presenting to the session “When Database Corruption Strikes” to the High Availability and Disaster Recovery PASS Virtual Chapter.


Here is the abstract:

You are working along month after month with no problems in your database. Suddenly someone reports that their query won’t run. They get an error stating “SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error“, or something even scarier. Do you know what to do now? We will walk through 3 or 4 actual corrupt databases exploring ways to go about finding and fixing the corruption. More importantly we will explore how to prevent further data loss at the time corruption occurs. Learn what things you should do to protect yourself when corruption strikes. Learn what to avoid that will make things worse. You will leave with a checklist of steps to take when you encounter corruption. By the end of this session you will be ready to take on corruption, one database at a time

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