Backup Retention Part 1 Backup Retention Part 3 In part 1 I spoke about why you would want to restore from backups and some other reasons to have an older backup around. In part 2 I will dive more into the specific types of backup retention methods. Part 3 I will define more on methods but also cover combined methods …

Backup Retention – Part 2 of 3 Read more »

We are pleased to announce a new feature for our Monthly Managed Services customers and Daily Monitoring customers! New feature: Email Notification for Blocking Queries. Picture this scenario: Your SQL Server runs into blocking but you don’t find out until it is too late. Your server eventually gets to the point where it is so backlogged on the blocking that …

New Feature for Stedman Solutions Monthly Services Read more »

Last Saturday Dave and I had a fun talk about SQL Server, developers, DBAs, ransomware and Database Health Monitor on his show Rockin’ the Code World. Below is the recording of our episode and hope you enjoy. And make sure check out some of his other chats with other professionals around the world.

Backup Retention Part 2 Backup Retention Part 3 With backup retention times there is always a balance between keeping enough backups and purging those backups quickly to free up space. Some clients I have worked with only keep 2 to 3 days of backups, and others keep multiple years of backups. I generally like to push for something longer term …

Backup Retention – Part 1 of 3 Read more »

Tune in this Saturday as I will be a guest on the Rockin’ the Code World show with DotNetDave. Join Us – January 8th at 10:00am pacific time. SCHEDULE: Introduction The Interview: Steve and I will be discussing: SQL Server Performance Tuning and Monitoring Steve’s app called the Database Health Monitor If there is time we will also discuss why developers …

Tune in Saturday the 8th at 10:00am Read more »

Microsoft has announced that the next version of SQL Server will be SQL Server 2022. This version is currently in the Early Adopters program. Typically after that will come the Community Technical Preview (CTP) Version, which there may be a couple of those. Then it comes to final release or the RTM (Release to Manufacturing) version. Since they have announced …

SQL Server 2022 is coming Read more »

The moment of truth. Database Health Monitor Update is out! Time to put on the bullet proof underwear and big boy pants to find out if over 10 years working on Database Health Monitor will pay off, and if anyone actually gets enough value out of it to participate in this new licensing structure. The absolute cheapest way to get …

Database Health Monitor Update January 2022 Read more »

Today I am pleased to announce the latest release of Database Health Monitor. Version 991, the January 2022 release of the product. You can download the latest version here:  We are approaching 11 years of development time that I have put into this project with over 22,000 downloads of Database Health Monitor just in the last 3 years. We hope …

Database Health Monitor – January 2022 Version 991 Released Read more »

Your Database Health Monitor License may expire tomorrow if you haven’t done one more more of the following: * See video below for additional clarification Ways to Increase your Connection Points: Subscribe Here 2. Become ongoing customer of Stedman Solutions. +40 server connections View our Services 3. Enroll in the Database Health Monitor Training Course. +20 server connections/year Link to …

Your License May Expire Tomorrow! Read more »