With 30+ years of DBA experience I will tell you first hand that Benjamin Franklin was a smart man!
His quote, “If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail” really hits home when you’re database is broken, lost or stolen.
And we see this too often! Most recently the culprit has been ransomware but that’s no excuse for failing to plan your backups!
I’d say 90% of new clients that come to us in a SQL Server crisis don’t have any backups at all or only backups from a year or more ago.
We’d like to change that!
We’ve made it a bit easier for you with our 100% complete SQL Server Backup and Recovery Course
We didn’t leave anything out! It’s ALL in there!
and NOW until Sept. 30th it’s 20% OFF (making it $31.96!)
Watch this sneak peek we put together for you!
Full Curriculum:

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Steve and the team at Stedman Solutions are here for all your SQL Server needs.
Contact us today for your free 30 minute consultation..
We are ready to help!