Last year I finally got fed up with the internal tools that I was using to manage Agile backlogs and Agile workflows, and I decided to build my own.   I first named it GroupScrum which was later renamed to AgiPlanner, but too many people thought it sounded like an agricultural product.  Recently the product has been renamed to Uzility, …

What software tools do you use to manage your Agile workflow? Read more »

Today Database Health Monitor Beta 8.1 released.  After the beta 8 release about three weeks ago there were a couple small issues discovered that have been addressed in Beta 8.1 Beta 8.1 was release to fix some obsolete code from a very old beta that causes the application to expire on Feb 1st, 2014, this limitation has now been removed. …

Database Health Monitor Beta 8.1 Released Today Read more »

Today I launched Database Health Reports Beta 8 as a soft launch. What I mean by the soft launch is that other than updating the DatabaseHealth website and this blog posting, I haven’t done much to promote it.  Why you might ask?  Due to it being a holiday week between Christmas and New Years, there are many people out of …

Database Health Monitor – Beta 8 – Soft launch Read more »

For the .NET programmer, Visual Basic programmer or PHP programmer, if you are accessing a SQL Server database there are some things you should know to performance tune your queries. Learn how to improve query performance with Indexes, how to properly use parameterized queries, using the query analyzer, and avoiding common SQL Server performance pitfalls. This presentation is a lot …

SQL Server Performance for Developers Read more »

Monday: Using FILESTREAM and FILETABLES in SQL Server Configuring and Using FILESTREAM and FILETABLES in SQL Server.  Developers love to use SQL Server to store files, but this causes headaches for the DBA, finally a reasonable solution for file storage in SQL Server FILETABLES and FILESTREAM. SQL Server 2008 and 2012 add the new features of FILESTREAM and FILETABLES. Learn how …

SQL Server FILESTREAM and FileTables Read more »

This week I will be attending and speaking at Vancouver DevTeach. This event taking place on December 2nd to 4th 2013 at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Center Hotel. Monday and Tuesday I have morning presentations which leaves the rest of the day to attend a few other sessions. Here are the sessions that I will be presenting. Monday: Using FILESTREAM and …

Speaking at Vancouver DevTeach this week. Read more »

What a great time at Startup Weekend Bellingham this wekend. Now that I have had a chance to catch up on sleep and get back into my normal routine, I figured its a great time to write a summary. How it all worked, the brief summary: Friday night we pitched ideas to the group of about 70 people. The pitches …

A great weekend at Startup Weekend Bellingham Read more »

As the startup teams head into the final stretch for the weekend, this is getting really interesting. Our Team as a Minimum Viable Product in place on our website system at We have a business model in place that can generate revenue today while also connecting designers with people who have 3d printers.   As we have worked through …

Startup Weekend Progress – 3Dconnect Read more »

Wow, what a day!  Startup Weekend Bellingham has been a spectacular adventure. Please Help Me Out… by taking a look at the site, and if you are interested in 3d printing please register on the site.  Don’t worry we won’t spam you. The website we have built today is First off, the business pitch. Build a website business to connect …

Startup Weekend End of Day Saturday Read more »