In SQL Server the cursor is a tool that is used to iterate over a result set, or to loop through each row of a result set one row at a time. It may not be the best way to work with a set of data, but if you need to loop row by agonizing row (RBAR) in a T-SQL …

T-SQL: A Listing Databases Example Using a Cursor Read more »

Using the GO commend in TSQL to run a batch of code multiple times is something that I commonly do in demo’s and training’s.  What amazes me is how many people after the training will tell me that they didn’t know about using the GO command to run a statement multiple times. Here’s how it works. First lets create a table, …

Executing a TSQL batch multiple times using GO Read more »

On Thursday March 12th at 9:00am (pacific time), we will be hosting another free training provided by Aaron Buma and I to prepare developers for the Microsoft 70-461 SQL Queries exam. This week we will be a two part session Using Cursors, followed by Using String Functions. This is provided free of charge to give back to the SQL community. Here is …

Using Cursors, followed by Using String Functions Read more »

Next week as part of the free SQL Query training that Aaron Buma and I provide, the topic I will be presenting is cursors. How to use them, what they are, everything you ever wanted to know. My concern in this presentation is that cursors have caused me many headaches in regard to performance over time. The main problem that …

SQL Server Cursors Good or Bad Read more »

As part of our weekly free SQL Query Training, we have split the 70-461 curriculum into 4 sections to prepare everyone to take the certification test later in the year. Today’s session is to review the first 25% of the sessions, or the section 1 review as we are calling it. The review topics we will be covering today are …

Today’s Training: SQL Queries Section 1 Review Read more »

Aaron Buma and I, with help from the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) have formed an official PASS chapter called the Bellingham SQL Server Users Group. Here is the description of what a PASS Chapter is:  PASS Chapters are local user groups that meet regularly in communities around the world to share their passion and knowledge about Microsoft SQL …

Announcing the new Bellingham SQL Server Users Group (PASS Chapter) Read more »

We are currently about 25% of the way through the SQL Server 70-461 exam preparation class, which has been available through Google On Air Broadcasts every Thursday at 9:00am Pacific time. To celebrate the 25% mark, and to strengthen the training we have decided to do a review session on everything that we have covered so far. Null Expressions Identity …

Next Weekly Free SQL Training: A Review Read more »

This week I had a chance to sit in on a great presentation provided by Sydney Ratzlaff. I learned a few things, and was able to build out my LinkedIn profile based on her help. Here are the slides from the presentation on SlideShare: LinkedIn Pro Tips & How to Build Your Personal Brand from Sydney Ratzlaff See Also: Sydney on …

Brown Bag Lunch: LinkedIn Pro Tips & How to Build Your Personal Brand Read more »

The free SQL Server Queries weekly training is being presented by Steve Stedman. The training is being presented by Aaron Buma and myself. This week we are covering two topics, first the MERGE statement will be covered by Aaron, then I will present on Recursive Queries. There MERGE statement is one of those that I was not familiar enough with when …

Weekly SQL Training – MERGE Statement and Recursive Queries Read more »