Yesterday I had the opportunity to practice one of my sessions on Backup and Restore that I will be presenting at PASS Summit this year. I presented it at two different SQL Server Users Group meetings, one in Bellingham WA, and one in Hartford CT. The one in Hartford was a remote presentation. This is an introductory level presentation targeted …

Backup and Restore – Pass Chapter Presentation Read more »

A while back a wrote a blog post with a query to Visualize the VLF’s in your database. Today I have an update to that script. The previously updated script added another column called “TextStatus” to the output to give you a better idea of what the different statuses mean. You now get 3 statuses shown, “In Use”, “Available”, and …

Visualizing VLFs – Another update Read more »

SQL Server 2017 introduces a new column in the sys.dm_db_file_space_usage system table. The column is modified_extent_page_count, which tells how many pages have been modified in your data file since the last full backup. What is really interesting about this is that with a little math you can calculate the percentage of your data file that has been modified.  This would be useful …

Determining how much of your data file has been modified Read more »

In a perfect world, your SQL Server would be so secure that you would not need antivirus software, you would have behind layers of firewalls, nobody would ever connect with remote desktop to install anything, and it would always have all of the latest security patches… But that is not the real world. Given that your SQL Server often times …

Using Antivirus with SQL Server Read more »

Over the years developing Database Health Monitor I have added a number of keyboard shortcuts to make life easier when working in the application.  Some of these are listed here to share since they are not all completely obvious.   Backspace Key – Jump to the last report viewed The Backspace key can be used to jump to the previous …

Database Health Monitor Keyboard Shortcuts Read more »

I am excited to announce that 2 of the sessions that I proposed for PASS Summit 2017 have been accepted. This is the first year that I have had 2 sessions accepted for Summit, and I am looking forward to it. The two sessions are: Basics of Database Corruption Repair Your database is running fine month after month with no …

2 Sessions Accepted for PASS Summit 2017 Read more »

Today I released the June 2017 version of Database Health Monitor, you can get it on the download page at  Here is what it included. Version 2.5.5 Release Notes Version 2.5.5 is the June, 2017 release of Database Health Monitor New Features in 2.5.5 Added a Recovery Model column to the Backup Status Report based on a customer request. …

Database Health Monitor June 2017 Version Released Today Read more »

Today I had the opportunity to release the May 2017 update of Database Health Monitor. This release is version 2.5.4. There are some new cross-instance reports available to allow you to check on your backup and CheckDB work on all of the instances that you are connected to with Database Health Monitor. Version 2.5.4 Release Notes – May, 2017. Version …

Database Health Monitor – May 2017 version released today Read more »

Here is a question that I received from a friend today and I thought it would be a good post explaining the details: Steve, I have a question on DBCC FREEPROCCACHE.  I used sp_blitzcache from Brent and it shows that one particular query is horrendous ( I already knew that as I ran it and cancelled it after 10 minutes …

DBCC FREEPROCCACHE – What is the impact. Read more »