SQL Servers DBCC commands are a set of T-SQL commands that are used for various maintenance and diagnostic tasks. Some of these commands are documented and can be accessed through the SQL Server documentation, while others are considered “undocumented” and are not officially supported by Microsoft.
Undocumented DBCC commands are usually not documented in the official SQL Server documentation and are not supported by Microsoft. These commands are not intended for general use and are not tested or documented as thoroughly as the documented DBCC commands. As such, they may be subject to change or removal in future versions of SQL Server and could potentially cause issues in your database.
Some examples of undocumented DBCC commands include DBCC IND, DBCC PINTABLE, and DBCC PAGE. These commands are not supported by Microsoft and should not be used in production environments.
It is important to note that the use of undocumented DBCC commands is generally not recommended, as they are not supported by Microsoft and could potentially cause issues in your database. If you are experiencing issues with your database and need to use DBCC commands for troubleshooting purposes, it’s best to use the documented DBCC commands, which are fully supported and tested by Microsoft.
Need help with this or an of the other DBCC commands? The team at Stedman Solutions, LLC specializes in repairing corrupt databases and heping when things go wrong.
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