I have been asked to help a development team with training so that they can all take and pass the SQL Queries 70-461 Microsoft certification.
After looking it over and understanding all the topics needed for the 70-461 SQL Queries certification, Aaron Buma and I we have worked out a plan to get everyone on the development team through this training.
Based on the amount of value that I have received from the SQL Server community, I have been able to get approval to share this training with anyone who wants to participate.
Free Training
Since we will be doing all this training, the prep work to train one team or hundreds of people doesn’t change much, it’s still the same amount of work. So we have decided to open up the training to anyone who wants to attend via a webcast using Google On Air Broadcasts.
There are two options to access this training. One is to participate in the live training, and the other option is to follow my YouTube channel.
Schedule / Plan
Over the next 45 weeks we will be teaching one or two topics each week on Thursdays at 9:00am (pacific time) for about 70 to 90 minutes each week.
Each week when we cover a topic, we will be covering in detail as to be ready to address any questions that might be asked as part of the 70-461 exam.
Here is the plan for the next few weeks.
- Jan 29th, 2015 : Aggregating Data and Aggregation Strategies
- Feb 5th, 2015 : Top (n) Queries and Ranking Functions, Predicating and Tiling Ranked Data
- Feb 12th, 2015 : Set Operators, Derived Tables and CTE’s
- Feb 19th, 2015 : Derived Table Queries (ie Subqueries)
- Feb 26th, 2015 : Output Clause
- Feb 26th, 2015 : Merge Statement
- Feb 26th, 2015 : Data Recursion
- March 12th, 2015 : String Functions
- March 12th, 2015 : Cursors
- March 19th, 2015 : Date Time Functions
- March 19th, 2015 : Logical and Analytical Functions
- March 19th, 2015 : User Defined Functions
The following topics will be covered week over week until we get through them all.
- Stored Procedures – Stored Procedure Techniques
- Table Data Actions
- Database Schemas and Synonyms
- SQL Error Messages
- Error Handling
- Data Type Usage
- Special Data Type Options
- Dynamic SQL
- Transactions and Locking
- Isolation Levels and Concurrency
- Spatial Data Types
- Spatial Aggregates
- XML Modes
- Shredding XML
- Shredding, attributes, elements and levels
- Creating Indexes
- Creating Indexes with Code
- Index Analysis
- XML Queries
- Xquery
- XML Data Binding
- The GUID Data Type
- Constraints
- Importing and Exporting XML
- XML Namespaces
- XML Schemas and Processing
- After Triggers
- Other Triggers
- XML Indexes
- Views
- Updating and Maintaining Views
This schedule is subject to change, but that’s our best guess at the plan for now.
About the Instructors
Steve Stedman … That’s me, for more information on me, just visit my blog at SteveStedman.com. I have spoken at many SQL Saturdays, other development conferences and local events. 25 years of SQL Server experience starting in 1990.
Aaron Buma. About 10 years of SQL Server experience in high availability environments. Aaron is also known for building and flying RC quadcopters / small UAV’s for aerial photography.
How to participate
Contact either of us through LinkedIn, Youtube, or Google Plus and let us know you want to participate, or just follow me on Twitter or Google Plus to get notified of upcoming sessions.
Just check my Google Plus profile every Thursday at 9:00am (pacific time) or a few minutes early to join in the weekly training.
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Steve and the team at Stedman Solutions are here for all your SQL Server needs.
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We are ready to help!
I am a new Kronite (as of 3/9/15) and would love to get in on this training
I wanted to thank you guys again for this. I’ve been following now for a while after I’d discovered the course through Reddit.
This was a very well constructed course! Thank you immensely!
Great tutorial!!! Kudos!
Any chance that you will be uploading the new material. I am currently studying for the 70-461 exam.