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Week 7 Database Corruption Challenge Results

The seventh week of ten in the Database Corruption Challenge went well. There were a few new participants, and many of those who have competed week over week. The first to submit a correct answer this week was Raul Gonzalez.

What was interesting about this challenge was that it was not your typical corruption where you could just run DBCC CheckDB and find the problem. To understand exactly what happened, solving this required reading through the transaction log that had not yet been backed up and finding the specific problem.

The original post describing the challenge stated the following:

Your goal if you choose to accept it is to get restore all the data in the [OPEN_NFIRS].[Record1000] table prior to its disappearance. Note: there may have been multiple DBA’s working on this system in several different time zones across the world.

Read More »Week 7 Database Corruption Challenge Results

Corruption Challenge Week 4 – The Winning Solution

Congratulations to Randolph West who won the corruption challenge this week with the following solution which restored all of the data.

First he restored the database to get started. Note some of his code and comments have been reformatted to better fit in the blog format.

Restore database. I use KEEP_CDC and KEEP_REPLICATION because of the hints you dropped in your blog.
The hint is that there is 100% chance of data recovery, so I will look for Change Data Capture tables.

USE master;
--DROP DATABASE [CorruptionChallenge4] ;
RESTORE DATABASE [CorruptionChallenge4]
   FROM DISK = N'C:\DBBackups\CorruptionChallenge4_Corrupt.bak'
   WITH FILE = 1,
        MOVE N'CorruptionChallenge4'
		  TO N'C:\SQL_DATA\CorruptionChallenge4.mdf',
        MOVE N'UserObjects'
		  TO N'C:\SQL_DATA\CorruptionChallenge4_UserObjects.ndf',
        MOVE N'CorruptionChallenge4_log'
		  TO N'C:\SQL_DATA\CorruptionChallenge4_log.ldf',
    STATS = 5,

Next he ran CheckDB to see what is wrong with this database.

Read More »Corruption Challenge Week 4 – The Winning Solution