Database Corruption Challenge Week 4 Results
It is my pleasure to announce the winners in the Week 4 Database Corruption Challenge. But first how about a rundown of challenge.
In order to make up for the difficult time that Challenge #3 was issued, Challenge #4 was issued at 2:00pm pacific time on a Friday afternoon. Those who had signed up for my Newsletter received early notification of when the corruption challenge would occur, but not details on what the challenge would be. When I launched it, I ran into a couple technical details, it appears that my WordPress site that hosts this blog was having difficulty with attachments larger that 8mb. So I ended up having to upload the file to another site where Database Health Monitor is hosted where the larger file was accepted. This delayed the start of the challenge about 20 minutes.
After the challenge released, it was quiet, almost to quiet. Then about 40 minutes into it, Randolph West messaged me on twitter to say that he was on it, and that he had discovered the CDC (Change Data Capture) tables. He also mentioned that he had dinner plans. He kept working on it, and at 4:55pm (pacific time) he provided me with proof that he had completed the challenge, however it wasn’t until 5:06pm (pacific time), that he provided me the full script showing his solution. At that point Randolph was the winner of the Week 4 Database Corruption Challenge. Two hours and 46 minutes after the challenge was able to be downloaded, Randolph had won the competition.