Tonight I created the Questions and Answers website.  My wife was watching Mamma Mia (the movie), and that lost my interest quickly so I went and created the Questions and Answers site.  Total coding time was about 3 hours, and I was able to get questions asked and answered shortly after that. This is an experiment for me in 2 …

Questions and Answers Website. Read more »

SQL Server 2008 introduces a new feature called Filtered Index. A filtered index is a way of adding a WHERE clause to the index definition to get faster access to a subset of the data. For instance if you have a huge table where you are typically only accessing a small part of the table, you can add a filtered …

SQL Server 2008 – Filtered Indexes Read more »

Tonight I had the opportunity to present to the Bellingham .NET users group.  About 30 people showed up for the presentation.   SQL Server Performance Tuning and Advanced Query Tuning: This presentation will include SQL Server performance tuning tips and recommendations for both the developer and the database administrator. Topics covered will include index usage details, query tuning, understanding the …

SQL Server Performance Tuning for the Bellingham .NET users group Read more »

The following applies to SQL Server 2008. How big of an allocation does max represent in the case of varchar(max) and varbinary(max)? Up to 2 ^ 31 – 1 bytes or just about 2gb.   Can I specify a varchar(9000) or varbinary(12000)? No. If you are going to specify an actual number instead of (max) then your limit is 8000. …

varchar(max) and varbinary(max) Questions and Answers Read more »

The quick and easy way to determine how much memory your SQL Server is using is to look at the Task Manager on the server and find “sqlservr.exe” in the process list, and look at the “Mem Usage” column. But what if you are not on the server, or if you want to grab this information programmatically from an application, …

Query SQL Server 2008 Total Memory Usage Read more »

I recently have had the opportunity to work on performance tuning on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Recently I have been doing more with performance tuning on Oracle. The following is something that I have discovered to be very similar between Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, but the names are different between the two systems. So this brings me back to …

How much Procedure Cache memory does one SQL Statement take up? Read more »