Here are the sessions that I will be presenting at Code Camp in two weeks.. What’s New in TSQL 2012 This is the first time that I will be presenting this one.  Its going to be a lot of fun working with the new features in TSQL 2012. Unleashing Common Table Expressions in SQL Server This will be about the …

Sessions for Code Camp in 2 weeks Read more »

I learned today that several of the sessions that I pitched for Code Camp 2012 have been accepted. Code Camp will be on Saturday June 16th 2012 in Redmond WA.   I am not sure why the call it Seattle Code Camp if it is going to be in Redmond. Looking forward to it.   Today I am tuning up …

Sessions Accepted for Seattle Code Camp 2012 Read more »

Today I started the day early with a great presentation for the SQL Lunch UK group on Common Table Expressions. For those who attended the presentation here is the Zip file with the Powerpoint and the SQL code from the demo.  Feel free to download it and learn from it.   Here are a few links to some of …

SQL Lunch UK Read more »

One of the common questions that comes up in my CTE class/presentation asks can you use the CTE inside of a function or stored procedure. The answer is yes, but today I came across another question, how can I split a string (varchar) into rows. I did some searching but didn’t find quite what I was looking for. I did …

Using a CTE to Split a String Into Rows Read more »

I finished my draft copy of my chapter titled “Minimal Downtime and Minimal Risk SQL Server Upgrades” for the SQL Tribal Knowledge book. I am sure there will be some editing and cleanup to do, but for now I am calling the draft copy complete. What a great experience getting this chapter together. I hope that the other writers had …

Finished my Draft Copy of my Chapter for SQL Tribal Knowledge book Read more »

Its about time, MySQL has had a feature LIMIT which is similar to the  usage of OFFSET and FETCH for years.  Now in SQL Server 2012 Microsoft introduces OFFSET and FETCH. The OFFSET and FETCH functionality is used to achieve data paging server side in TSQL.  Thing of a page like your typical search results where you are shown the …

TSQL 2012 – OFFSET and FETCH Read more »