A busy day today (my birthday), and I didn’t have time to post a CTE article today, tomorrow I will make up for it with an introduction to recursive CTEs. So far here is where CTE month stands. June 1 – Common Table Expression (CTE) Month at SteveStedman.com (introduction) June 1 – Sample Database for Common Table Expressions June 2 – Writing Your First …

CTE Month So Far Read more »

Day 5 of Common Table Expression Month (June) at SteveStedman.com, today I will cover concepts around the scope of a CTE. The queries in the video will be using that database that was set up in a previous posting on the CTE_DEMO Sample Database, if you haven’t set up the sample database, download it and set it up now. Where is …

CTE Scope Read more »

Beta 6 just release for the Database Health Reports with a few new features. Since the I received a couple requests to add new features, so I added a page to the Database Health Reports page where people can request features, and then over time as I am able to implement those features they will get moved to the completed feature request …

New Database Health Reports – Feature Request Page Read more »

Day 4 of Common Table Expression Month (June) at SteveStedman.com, today I will cover the topic of terminating the previous T-SQL statement. These queries will be using that database that was set up in a previous posting on the CTE_DEMO Sample Database, if you haven’t set up the sample database, download it and set it up now. To start with having …

Common Table Expressions – Terminating the Previous Statement Read more »

Its here… Beta 6 of Database Health Reports.  Over the last 3 months I have been working on a number of new features, enhancements and bug fixes to the Database Health Reports Project, and today they are available in Beta 6. If you are not familiar with the Database Health Reports project, it is a free application to monitor SQL Servers for many server health …

Beta 6 of Database Health Reports Now Available Read more »

Day 3 of Common Table Expression Month (June) at SteveStedman.com, today I have a video presentation extracted from my normal SQL Saturday CTE presentation. The queries in the video will be using that database that was set up in a previous posting on the CTE_DEMO Sample Database, if you haven’t set up the sample database, download it and set it up …

Video: Writing Your First CTE with SQL Server Read more »

Over the last 3 months I have been working on a number of new features, enhancements and bug fixes to the Database Health Reports Project. In the next day or two Beta 6 will be available. If you are not familiar with the Database Health Reports project, it is a free application to monitor SQL Servers for many server health related issues. Recently …

Database Health Reports Beta 6 – Coming Soon Read more »

Day 2 of Common Table Expression Month (June) at SteveStedman.com, today I will cover creating your very first CTE. Keep in mind that this may look a bit weird or strange at first, the syntax is different from anything you may have seen with SQL Server before, and there are some parts that are very similar. First lets take a …

Writing Your First Common Table Expression with SQL Server Read more »

This is my 250th blog post at Steve Stedman.com.  Many of the post over the last year have been focused on Common Table Expression topics as I finished my CTE Book, however with last month being DBCC Command Month here there were many posts completely unrelated to CTEs. Another category that accounts for many of the posts is the Database …

250th Blog Post at SteveStedman.com Read more »