As part of my contribution back to the SQL Server community I am adding a new feature into the free Database Health Reports application. I am currently working on adding a new feature into the Database Health Reports to analyze T-SQL Technical Debt. If you are not familiar with technical debt, it applies to all aspects of programming or technology. This is going to …

Working on the T-SQL Technical Debt feature in the Database Health Reports Read more »

I received this rave today about the Database Health Reports.  It has been posted on the Raving Fans page. 7/17/2013 – Beta 6 Rave The software is really good, I am using very regularly to audit and performance tune the SQL instances that I administer. Managed to knock a third of a large SSIS pipeline’s runtime just from using the …

New Raving Fan for Database Health Reports Read more »

Technical Debt is a programming concept that is also known as code debt. The concept of Technical Debt applies closely with Agile software development, but also applies to database development. There are many tools available to report on technical debt for C#, PHP or other programming languages, but there isn’t much available to manage the SQL Server or T-SQL technical …

T-SQL Technical Debt Read more »

Today marks the 800th download of the Database Health Reports application. I would like to thank everyone who as used it and everyone who has provided me feedback along the way.  I am currently working on Beta 7, which should be out by the end of the summer. For now Beta 6 is the most stable and feature packed version of …

Database Health Reports – 800th download Read more »

When you look at the installed programs with SQL Server 2014 CTP1 you see the following: There is no BIDS or Visual Studio installed with CTP1 of SQL Server 2014.  After some additional research, and discovering that I didn’t miss something on the installation.  There is no more Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) in SQL Server 2014, instead it can be downloaded …

No more Business Intelligence Development Studio in SQL 2014 Read more »

June was an exciting month for me with Beta 6 of the Database Health Reports releasing at the beginning of the month, and this being CTE Month at to mark the release of my Common Table Expressions book. CTE Month Summary CTE Month postings started with the basics on June 1st, and grew throughout the month to include more …

End of June Summary Read more »

Day 15 of Common Table Expression Month (June) at, today we will be taking a look at data paging with CTE’s in a function. Yesterday we took a look at CTEs for Data Paging, today we will build on what we used yesterday. These queries will be using that database that was set up in a previous posting on the CTE_DEMO …

CTE Data Paging in a Procedure Read more »

It has been a busy week at Here is a quick summary of this weeks postings: June 14th – CTE Data Paging June 13th – Query To Simulate CPU Load June 12th – Nested CTE’s Gone Wild – The Video June 11th – Nested CTEs June 10th – Database Health Reports – Seven Hundred Downloads So Far June 10th – Multiple CTEs in a …

Week In Review – June 15th 2012 Read more »