I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Denver, presenting on Advanced Common Table Expressions.  This presentation should be a lot of fun.  I will be covering all the advanced and fun CTE features that I haven’t had time to fit into my introduction to CTE session in the past. Here is the outline of the session: 1.Recursive CTEs. 2.Hierarchical CTEs. …

In Denver for SQL Saturday Read more »

Today I learned that two of the sessions that I proposed for Vancouver DevTeach were accepted. This event taking place on December 2nd to 4th 2013 at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Center Hotel. It will have 3 full days of main conference (Dec. 2-4). Don’t miss this Vancouver DevCon! The first session: Using FILESTREAM and FILETABLES in SQL Server Steve Stedman …

Sessions Accepted for DevTeach Vancouver BC Read more »

Again following the Agile philosophy of Release Early and Release Often, there is another minor release of Database Health Beta 7.  I called this one Beta 7++, the version has been updated to In this version the following minor features were added based on customer feedback and requests. 1. When filtering the Technical Debt by a specific type, which …

Beta 7++ Additional Cleanup on the Technical Debt Read more »

One of the ideas behind Scrum software development is the idea of “Release early, Release Often and Get Customer Feedback.” After the release of Beta 7 of the Database Health Reports earlier this week I received an email with a really great suggestion that I just had to implement.  The suggestion was to be able to click on the debt …

Beta 7+ Filter Technical Debt by Debt Type Read more »

I have been working on Beta 7 over the last 3 months, and it is finally ready.  Beta 7  has been released today featuring the addition of the SQL Technical Debt reporting.  Besides the SQL Technical debt reporting, the other area of major improvement was the overall performance of the application.  There are many areas that previously were slow or difficult …

Database Health Beta 7 Released – Featuring SQL Technical Debt Analysis Read more »

As I get ready for Beta 7 to launch I have decided that for Beta 8 I will focus on feature suggestions from the users of the Database Health application.  I have created a feedback system for users to suggest their ideas, then they can be voted on with the star rating. Users can comment on the ideas. If you would …

Suggest An Idea for Database Health Reports Read more »

After 23 years of programming experience, many years of C, C++ and C#, I realized that I have never actually taken a course in C#.  As part of the early release and testing on the Joes2Pros Academy I decided to work through the Beginning C# Course on the Joes2Pros Academy. The Beginning C# Course was one of many courses available at the …

Finished the Beginning C# Course on the Joes2Pros Academy Read more »

The new Joes2Pros Academy has just launched. The Academy provides an interactive classroom experience that can be accessed on your own time as you need it. This site has high quality content, quizzes and exams. Students can interact with other students and instructors to get the best experience out of the Joes2Pros Academy. Courses offered in the following areas: SQL Server Administration SQL …

Introducing the Joes2Pros Academy Read more »

    Click on the grid to enlarge, then print it. Find the following words in the grid up, down, left, right, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. ROWS  RANGE  PRECEDING  FOLLOWING  UNBOUNDED  IIF  CHOOSE  OFFSET  FETCH  FORMAT  CONCAT  SEQUENCE  PARSE  TRYPARSE  TRYCONVERT  THROW  LEAD  LAG  FIRSTVALUE  LASTVALUE  PERCENTRANK  CUMEDIST  PERCENTILEDISC  PERCENTILECONT  NOTE:  some of these terms normally have an underscore in …

SQL Sunday Fun – Word Search with New T-SQL 2012 Functionality Read more »