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Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads

The Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads server configuration can improve performance, and is extremely unlikely to negatively impact performance.
This was a new feature that was introduced in SQL Server 2008, and as with many new features in SQL Server, it is not turned on by default.

What Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads Changes.

Without the Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads feature enabled, when a plan is compiled, it is kept around in memory (cached) until something else pushes it out of the cache.

With the Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads feature enabled, the first time a plan is compiled, it is not kept around in cache, rather a stub is kept around to indicate that they query has previously been complied. The second time the plan is compiled it is kept around in memory. Over time you end up with fewer one time use queries in memory, reducing the memory impact of the plan cache. All other multi-use ad hoc plans will need to be compiled twice on the first and second time that they are used.

What it doesn’t to

The Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads server configuration doesn’t change the size of the plan cache in SQL Server, it does however prevent the single use ad hoc plans from using up plan cache space, making more space for other cached plans.

Read More »Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads

Transactions Rolled Back in Database

IF you are browsing your error log and come across an error message stating that “1 transactions rolled forward in database ‘msdb'”, or “X transactions rolled back in database ‘msdb'” you might be a bit alarmed. You might also notice similar error messages for master, tempdb or user databases.

msdb transactions rolled back in database


How can this be a good thing? Why are transactions being rolled back or rolled forward?

Read More »Transactions Rolled Back in Database


Here is a discovery that I made using the Database Health Monitor historic wait monitoring, on a server with slow storage where the backups were being written.

If you are seeing excessive waits on the PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETPROCADDRESS wait type and xp_create_subdir is the command with the wait, and this is occurring at the time your backups are being run, it is a symptom that the storage location for your backups is having I/O difficulties.


I noticed this on a server with an external USB 2.0 attached hard drive that was being used for backups, and on a second server with a USB 3.0 external hard drive. When the backups run, there was a wait for the process to attempt to see if the backup directory exists, and to create it if it did not.

Read More »PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETPROCADDRESS and xp_create_subdir

Using SQL Server Compressed Backups

The Quick Scan report in Database Health Monitor detects when you are performing SQL Server backups without compression, when the compression option is available. This applies to Full backups, Transaction log backups and Differential backups.

Not using compressed backups? Why not?

Benefits of compressed backups

  • Faster backup time
  • Faster restore time
  • Less I/O at backup and restore time
  • Since you are using less disk space, you can keep more backups around.

There are a couple minor drawbacks, the compressed backups take more CPU, not much more, but a tiny bit more.  Also the compressed backups don’t compress very much when your database is using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).

Read More »Using SQL Server Compressed Backups