Find out more about the Week 5 Challenge on the overview blog post. The winning solution, was submitted by Patrick Flynn, just 3 hours and 18 minutes after the challenge was posted. Patrick provided me with the following steps, and TSQL code to back up the steps: The process was (a)    Restore two copies from backup (Old backup has 400 Customers …

Week 5 – Winning Solution – Database Corruption Challenge Read more »

Yesterday was SQL Saturday Redmond. It was a great day, I learned lots, met some great new people, and had a chance to catch up with some old friends. When most people hear about SQL Saturday for the first time, they probably think to themselves “spend all day on a Saturday in technical presentations”, however SQL Saturday is much more …

An Awesome Day at SQL Saturday Redmond Read more »

Today I am presenting at SQL Saturday in Redmond Wa. My presentation is on SQL JOIN types. If you have seen my JOIN Types Poster, you should check it out. Download the slides and sample TSQL code: Topics Covered —Basic SELECT —INNER JOIN —LEFT OUTER JOIN —RIGHT OUTER JOIN —LEFT OUTER JOIN with exclusion —RIGHT OUTER JOIN with exclusion …

TSQL JOIN Types – SQL Saturday Read more »

I am attending and speaking at SQL Saturday Redmond today. My presentation is at 2:45pm and on SQL JOIN Types,  and the following topics will be covered: Basic SELECT INNER JOIN LEFT OUTER JOIN RIGHT OUTER JOIN LEFT OUTER JOIN with exclusion RIGHT OUTER JOIN with exclusion SEMI JOIN ANTI SEMI JOIN CROSS JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN …

SQL Saturday Redmond Read more »

Today I had the opportunity to present When Corruption Strikes to the PASS DBA Virtual Chapter Meeting.  This was a lot of fun to be able to recap the previous 4 weeks of the Database Corruption Challenge, and share some of the ways to fix the corrupt database. I hope that everyone learned something that will help them when one day they …

Corruption Presentation Read more »

Welcome to the Week 5 Corruption Challenge.  If you have seen the t-shirt that I designed for the winner at the end of the 10 week period, please take a look. We are currently at the 5 week midpoint of the 10 week challenge. This challenge requires that you use the exact matching version of SQL Server for the challenge. …

Week 5 – Corruption Challenge Read more »

There is a lot happening right now, so I thought I would put together a brief overview of upcoming speaking engagements. May 13th – When Corruption Strikes (PASS DBA Virtual Chapter Meeting) May 16th – Exploring SQL Server Join Types – INNER, OUTER, and much more… (SQL Saturday Redmond) June 9th –  When Corruption Strikes 2 (HADR Virtual Pass Chapter) June …

Upcoming Speaking Engagements Read more »

On Wednesday May 13th I will be presenting to the PASS DBA Virtual Chapter Meeting, at Noon Mountain time (convert to your time zone). The session is titled “When Database Corruption Strikes“, and the event has been sponsored by Dell Software Abstract: You are working along month after month with no problems in your database. Suddenly someone reports that their query …

When Corruption Strikes – Online Presentation Wed May 13th Read more »

Database Corruption Challenge #5 is coming soon. Those who subscribe to my newsletter will know the exact date and time of the next Database Corruption Challenge. Lets take a look back at the winners from the previous challenges. Week 1 – Brent Ozar Week 2 – Rob Farley Week 3 – Randolph West Week 4 – Randolph West If you …

Corruption Challenge #5 Coming Soon Read more »