There is a great deal of confusion about the WITH NOLOCK query hint. The following is a transcription of a conversation that I had on the SQL Data Partners Podcast #57 about the WITH NOLOCK hint, and some of the misconceptions about it. WITH NOLOCK Hint Carlos: So the next on is the WITH NOLOCK hint and I think this …

The Use of WITH NOLOCK Query Hint Read more »

This week on the SQL Data Partners podcast, Podcast Episode #58, we focused on Four Ways to Stay Sharp with Technical Learning.  I can’t believe this is the 8th in a row of the SQL Data Partners podcast that I have had the opportunity to co-host. This week we didn’t have a scheduled guest so it was just Carlos Chacon and I …

Podcast Episode 58: Four Ways to Stay Sharp with Technical Learning Read more »

For this weeks SQL Data Partners podcast, we followed up on one of the #sqlfamily questions that we usually ask at the end of the podcast. If you could change one thing about SQL Server, what would it be? The list that we came up with was: Default file autogrowth settings Default maintenance plans Shrink database or Auto Shrink NOLOCK Hints …

Podcast Episode 57: the SQL Server Hit List – Our Least Favorite Features Read more »

This weeks SQL Data Partners podcast, Episode 55,  is on (SSRS) Reporting Services Changes in SQL 2016. This episode features Jessica Moss, and the discussion is on some of the great new features in SSRS 2016. One of the key take-aways from the session is how Microsoft has broken the report groups into 4 categories. Paginated – Like what we are used …

This weeks podcast featuring Jessica Moss Read more »

In episode 53 of the SQL Data Partners podcast Carlos Chacon and I chat with Argenis Fernandez, storage guru and PASS Director-at-Large. We talk storage options, LUNs, IOPs, and why he thinks we all need to approach storage a lot differently.  This was a fun interview, I had a chance to learn quite a bit from Argenis. This might be one …

SQL Data Partners – Podcast with Argenis Fernandez Read more »

This year in October, I again have the privilege to speak at PASS Summit in Seattle. One of my favorite topics, Database Corruption was the session that was selected. Here are the details. When Database Corruption Strikes You database is running fine month after month with no problems. Suddenly someone reports that their query won’t run. They get an error …

Speaking at PASS Summit 2016 Read more »

Today we released Episode 52 on the SQL Data Partners podcast on the R Programming Language. You might remember a few weeks ago the announcement that I was joining Carlos Chacon as the co-host of the weekly podcast. Episode 52 on the SQL Trail with the SQL Data Partners podcast is with Ginger Grant (@DesertIsleSQL on Twiter) and the topic …

Podcast Episode 52 – The R Programming Language Read more »

The Service Pack 2 release of SQL Server 2014 introduces a new DBCC command called DBCC CloneDatabase. Books online states: “DBCC CLONEDATABASE should be used to create a schema and statistics only copy of a production database in order to investigate query performance issues. “ Which sounds really interesting. Get all the schema and statistics but no data. Some immediate …

DBCC CloneDatabase Read more »

I have just released version 2.4.3 the July 2016 version of Database Health Monitor. You can download it now at the Database Health Monitor website. Since the releases have been coming about monthly lately, I have decided to add the month and year to each release so that it has a bit more meaning. The next update should be …

Database Health Monitor – July 2016 Release Read more »

With previous versions of SQL Server to get the developer edition, it was usually available for around $50 USD at With the introduction of SQL Server 2016 Microsoft has made the SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition a free download. It does however require registration with Visual Studio Online. To get the SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition, follow these steps. …

SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition Read more »