Next week I will be presenting on Database Corruption on Friday afternoon at Pass Summit.  The session is called “When Database Corruption Strikes.”   This session is on Friday afternoon, if you are interested in how to deal with database corruption, please come and see this presentation. The session is the last session of the week at 3:30 on Friday afternoon …

Presenting at PASS Summit Next Week Read more »

This Friday, October 14th I will be presenting at the Centricity Healthcare Users Group (CHUG) conference in Austin TX. The session is on “Tune, Monitor and Analyze the Health of Your Centricity SQL Server” and I will be co-presenting with Derrick Bovenkamp. Here is the session abstract: Misconfigured SQL Servers can slow down your overall system performance. Sometimes making a …

Presenting this Friday at the CHUG Conference Read more »

How often should I reboot SQL Server? It is a common belief with computers that rebooting cleans things up in memory and that they run better if they are rebooted more often. With your windows desktop or your cell phone operating system this may be true, but that’s not the case with SQL Server. Over time as SQL Server runs …

Don’t Reboot SQL Server So Often Read more »

Database Corruption Overview: Database corruption is one of those things that you can only plan for by practicing your response plan. Out of all of the things that can happen to your SQL Server this is the one that you are most likely going to want to ask for help when you encounter it. What is Corruption? Database corruption refers …

Database Corruption Overview for Beginners Read more »

This weeks latest podcast is an interview with Melissa Coates, on the topic of Cortana Intelligence Suite. From this weeks podcast: The Cortana Intelligence Suite is actually a huge collection of services in Azure for the purposes of providing big data and analytical solutions. So the suite consists of: Azure data factory, data catalog, Azure SQL data warehouse, Azure data …

Cortana Intelligence Suite – Podcast Episode #62. Read more »

One way to improve performance on SQL Server is with IFI or Instant File Initialization. Normally files are zeroed out on a database growth during an AUTOGROW, RESTORE, CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE. This is done by SQL Server when the file grows, it runs through that file and writes zeroes to the entire new allocation in the file. The …

Instant File Initialization (IFI) Read more »

Today on the tuning minute on the SQL Data Partners Podcast, we discussed duplicate indexes, which lead me to think more about and and write this post. You know there are many different ways of doing things in SQL Server, and often times you can argue that one way or the other is better, and given the right situation anything …

Duplicate Indexes, What a Waste Read more »

The following Database Corruption Video is from the High Availability Disaster Recovery Virtual Chapter Presentation on September 13, 2016. Today I had the opportunity to present at the High Availability Disaster Recovery Virtual Chapter meeting on the topic of Database Corruption.  Here is a recording of the presentation. Database Corruption Video If you liked this presentation, please come to my …

Database Corruption Video – HA DR Chapter Read more »

This week on the SQL Data Partners Podcast Episode #59 we discussed Mirroring, Availability Groups, Replication and Log Shipping. There were 4 of us on the podcast, two guests Mariano Kovo and Andy Mallon, along with Carlos Chacon and I. Each of us discussed one of the 4 options for having your data in multiple locations which are Mirroring, Availability Groups, …

Episode 59: Mirroring, Availability Groups, Replication, and Log shipping Read more »