This weeks episode we are pleased to host Andy Leonard to discuss his thoughts on the catalog and how this feature provides some really interesting benefits for ETL architecture. Although the SSIS Catalog DB is created with management studio, it does not behave like other databases.  Our conversation in this episode revolves around the catalog, SSIS packages, and some of the complexities of migrating …

Podcast Episode 79: SSIS Catalog with Andy Leonard Read more »

Here is a quick update on the last 3 podcast episodes that we have published, ending up 2016, and starting out 2017 with some great information from Paul Turley, Jimmy May and Argenis Fernandez. Episode 77: New Reporting Options with Paul Turley We invited Paul Turley on the show to chat with us about some of the new features in …

Latest Podcast Episodes Read more »

Today I had the opportunity to present on TempDB to the Spokane SQL Server users group (PASS Chapter). The session was titled TempDB – Do This and Don’t Do That”, and it covers a bunch of tips and best practices around what to do and avoid relating to TempDB on your SQL Server. Here is the download of the presentation and …

TempDB – Do This and Don’t Do That Read more »

Today we released the Database Health Monitor January 2017 version. You can download it for free at This update includes  some new branding with new logos, new icons, and a new splash screen, as well as the usual feature enhancements and bug fixes. So far since we started tracking downloads there have been 11,100 downloads of Database Health Monitor worldwide. …

Database Health Monitor – January 2017 Version Released Read more »

Today I am presenting one of my favorite sessions “When Database Corruption Strikes” remotely for the PASS Calgary SQL Server Users Group. This is the same session that I presented at Pass Summit 2016, with a few minor additions, including a slide with information on corruption with Hekaton (In Memory OLTP).   This should be fun. Here are the downloads …

When Database Corruption Strikes – Calgary SQL Users Group Read more »

With SQL Server now being available (pre-release) on Linux, I think we will see many SQL DBA’s who previously did not have Linux experience being forced into a new area. I am lucky in that I have had my share of Linux experience over my career, it has come easy to me. I figured I would share some Linux nuggets …

Linux commands for SQL DBA’s who don’t know Linux (yet) Read more »

If you have just installed SQL Server on Ubuntu Linux and you are trying to connect remotely you may have some difficulty connecting if port 1433 is not available. Here is how you do it, using the UFW, or Uncomplicated Firewall on Ubuntu. sudo ufw enable sudo ufw allow 1433 While you are at it you may want to enable port …

Allow Port 1433 Ubuntu Linux for SQL Server Read more »

With the recent public availability of the SQL Server Linux release, I figured I should give it a try, and it went well. Here is all that it took. Download and install to a VM Ubuntu Linux Server 16.04.  (1 hour) Allow port 22 through the firewall to be able to connect to the server with Putty.  (1 min) Follow …

Getting Started with SQL Server on Linux Read more »