One of the more challenging components to configure on SQL Server is SQL Mail. I don’t know how many times I have had to try it multiple times before getting it right. Here is an article written by Derrick, one of the Stedman Solutions team on problems with SQL Server 2016 being able to send email. Written by Derrick Bovenkamp: …

SQL 2016 Won’t Send Mail Read more »

I often times get the question similar to “Why is my log file not shrinking when I do regular backups”? It goes to show there the functionality of the SQL Server transaction log is not entirely clear. The way that backups and the log file work is that the log file is made up of internal virtual log files (VLFs). …

Why is my log file not shrinking when I do regular backups? Read more »

Microsoft has announced that as of July 2019 SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008R2 will be at the end of life support. What does this mean? No more updates, no more security patches, and no more support. It is strongly recommended that prior to end of life that you move to an updated supported version of SQL Server, so …

SQL Server 2008 and 2008R2 End of Life – coming soon Read more »

What kind of load does the historic monitoring put on the SQL Server? It is my opinion that the historic wait monitoring is perhaps one of the most valuable features in Database Health Monitor. You can use it to see how thing are changing over time on your system. You can even answer questions like “The server was running slow …

Database Health Monitor – Historic Wait Monitoring Read more »

Please join me on Saturday March 16 in Victoria BC Canada for my SQL Saturday presentation on the Basics of Database Corruption Repair. Here is the session, the Basics of Database Corruption Repair. Duration: 60 minutesTrack: AdminLevel: Intermediate Your database is running fine month after month with no problems. Suddenly someone reports that their query won’t run. They get an …

Basics of Database Corruption Repair Read more »

In the consulting world we come across many different backup and restore options for SQL Server with the different clients that we work with. Personally I am a big fan of the SQL Server backups using a combination of Full, Differential, and Log backups so that we can do a solid point in time restore when needed. I also like …

SQL Backup Solutions – what do you use? Read more »

On March 23rd I will be presenting at SQL Saturday in Spokane WA. There is still time to register for this event, so you can still sign up today. My presentation will be on user defined Functions. TSQL User Defined Functions – Taboo or not? Duration: 60 minutesTrack: Enterprise Database Administration & DeploymentLevel: IntermediateFor years user defined functions (UDFs) have been the nemesis …

SQL Saturday – Spokane WA Read more »