SQL Server Alert System: ‘Severity 20 – Fatal Error In Current Process’DESCRIPTION:    SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c, state 14 while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. Reason: AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. The logon attempt failed   [CLIENT: 192.168.1.xxx] With SQL Server alerting turned to for some of …

Severity 20 – Fatal Error Read more »

Part of good server monitoring it to have alerts enabled for a number of different errors to know when things go bad. The problem is we were getting the following error every time the server was restarted. SQL Server Alert System: ‘ERROR 824’ occurred on \\MyServerNameDESCRIPTION:    SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect checksum (expected: 0xe660dd36; actual: 0xcd481907). …

SQL Server Alert System: ‘ERROR 824’ Read more »

Recently while working on a SQL Server for a client I came across the following error when I attempted to view the SQL Server logs in SSMS. From there I decided I needed to track this down, so I attempted to run the sp_readerrorlog stored procedure, which also failed, but it provided more informaiton. The full error message was: Msg …

sp_readerrorlog – Msg 22004, Level 16, State 1, Line 0 – Failed to open loopback connection. Please see event log for more information. Read more »

Finding Serializable QueriesDecember 3, 2019 Serializable, and some of the other isolation levels can have performance implications. Recently I came across a case where I needed to find queries that were being run against a SQL Server that … Latest 100 PostsRead More » November 2019 Release of Database Health MonitorNovember 30, 2019 Thanks to the successful funding campaign on …

Steve Stedman Blog Posts from 2019 Read more »

Thanks to the successful funding campaign on Indiegogo I was able to fund the November 2019 release of Database Health Monitor. Here are the release notes. Version 2.9.4 Release Notes Version 2.9.4 is the November release of Database Health Monitor. New Reports New Features Bug Fixes Here is a look at the start of the new security report: And here …

November 2019 Release of Database Health Monitor Read more »

Can you help fund the next release of Database Health Monitor? I have started an Indiegogo funding campaign for the November release of Database Health monitor. Not asking for a lot here, just $500 to help fund the next release of Database Health Monitor. What We Need & What You Get I am looking to raise $500 (us dollars) to …

Funding the November release of Database Health Monitor Read more »