I was investigating a slow sever recently and discovered almost a million files in the sql server error log directory. This contained job history and backup logs for many years. The error log directory is not a location that I normally check, so I created a script to quickly and easily check how many files are in a SQL Server …

How many files are in your SQL Error log directory? Read more »

Recently when doing a database upgrade for a client, I was informed that we had missed some user procedures, tables and functions in the master database. I needed a way to track all these down so that I could confirm that all the same user objects existed in the new master database, as those on the old server’s master database. …

User objects in the master database Read more »

One handy thing when working with JSON or XML is to take part of the data and represent it as tabular data, since everything in SQL Server works better as a table, pulling values out and representing them as a table can be handy. Going back to our original data as shown below from my original blog post that kicked …

Iterating over JSON and XML values Read more »

I have decided that for the month of July I will post 31 blog entries for the month about JSON and XML. Every post will contain something that compares and contrasts or explains something about JSON and XML in SQL Server. I found my self the other day saying that I have used XML plenty on SQL Server, but haven’t …

July is JSON and XML month Read more »

On a week long theme on XML and JSON in SQL Server, this is the second post. After the first post of just showing how to store these values in the database I am going to take a look at how big the data is and how much we can compress each one with row and page level compression. Lets …

SQL 2019 Page and Row Compression with XML and JSON Read more »

This post is the first in a series of blog posts around using XML and JSON in SQL Server. XML has been supported, although slightly clunky since SQL Server 2005, and it has not changed much. Later versions of SQL Server introduce some JSON parsing which is different from how XML is represented in that JSON data is just stored …

JSON and XML in SQL Server Read more »