Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQLDecember 1, 2020Amazon goes after Microsoft’s SQL Server with Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL. What is interesting is that a direct port of SQL Server to PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL can be challenging due to incompatibilities …Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQLRead More » Sales To Aggressive?November 19, 2020When does a salesperson become too aggressive? In my business I try …

2020 Blog Post Summary Read more »

Occasionally I need to look up what user the SQL Server services are running as, and when this happens, you can either run a quick query, or wade through the dialog boxes for the SQL Server services top see what user they are running as. I prefer the query, however this only runs on SQL Server 2008R2 SP1 or newer. …

TSQL Query to find the user the SQL services run as Read more »

Amazon goes after Microsoft’s SQL Server with Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL. What is interesting is that a direct port of SQL Server to PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL can be challenging due to incompatibilities in data types, and in functions. What is promised in Babelfish is that it will create a layer between standard SQL Server TSQL and PostgreSQL to be …

Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL Read more »

I can remember several years ago every time someone mentioned SQL Server replication you would hear a dull groan. It is one of those things that certainly has some barriers to entry to learn how it works and what you need to do to keep it running. Not me, I get excited about working with replication. I work with several …

SQL Server Replication Read more »

The more and more I work with replication the more and more I run into weird errors like this one. SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Specify the actual server name. (Replication.Utilities). You might be thinking to yourself that you had a typo in the server name, but no, after checking …

SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to … Read more »

I have been doing more and more replication work lately, and when recently testing some replication work I needed to create and drop some test databases and re-test the replication work. After configuring a database for replication, then deleting the publisher and the subscriber I attempted to drop the database and get the following error: Msg 3724, Level 16, State …

Cannot drop the database because it is being used for replication. Read more »

When building out a new SQL Server to replace an existing SQL Server, the previous system may have been using DTC or the Distributed Transaction Coordinator. This needs to be done on both sides of the transaction, meaning both servers that are participating in the distributed transaction. Next, right click on the Local DTC and select properties. On the third …

Configuring The Distributed Transaction Coordinator Read more »