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Database Corruption Challenge Week 3 Approaching

After two great weeks of the database corruption challenge, week 3 is approaching. I have a few things to announce as we go into week 3.

The database corruption challenge will run over 10 weeks at which point another challenge will begin, and everyone will start out with a fresh score, sort of like bowling. This post I am going to cover scoring and prizes, just to keep it interesting.

Scoring the Challenge

I realized that I had never finalized the scoring of the competition. Here are the scoring criteria that I have come up with.

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Deadlock and Trace Flags 1204 and 1222

When you are looking for deadlocks there are, like most things in SQL Server, more than one way to find the deadlocks. This article is specifically focused on using the SQL Server ERRORLOG file located in the LOG directory for the SQL instance. If you used the defaults on SQL Server 2012, this log would be at this location:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG

For SQL Server 2014 it would be here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG

and in similar locations for other versions of SQL Server.


What is a Deadlock?


A deadlock is a specific case in SQL Server and other databases where, in the simple case of two transactions, the first transaction gets stuck waiting on blocking from the second transaction, and the second transaction gets stuck waiting on blocking for the first transaction.

Imagine traffic so jammed up that one lane of travel is blocking another lane of travel, and vice versa. The deadlock in SQL Server is similar to this, but instead of traffic being blocked, it is queries and transactions being blocked.

Eventually in traffic when cars are blocking, one will give up and back out, and the other will be allowed to drive through. The one that backs out is known as the deadlock victim.

When one query is chosen as the deadlock victim, it looks something like this:

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Database Corruption Challenge #2 – Alternate Solution

With week two of the Database Corruption Challenge being just as interesting as week one, and after seeing yesterdays blog posting showing the solution by Rob Farley, you might be thinking you are ready to take on corruption. If you are interested in giving the corruption challenge a try, please sign up for my newsletter so that you will be notified of the next corruption challenge.

Lets take a look at one of the more interesting solutions submitted by Bogdan Sahlean, who was the first to solve using DBCC Page to find the exact corrupt bytes, and DBCC WritePage to fix those corrupt bytes.

Now if you are reading this, and don’t know about DBCC WritePage, I caution you…  DBCC WritePage is not something you should just play with, and it is certainly not something that you should ever run on a production database. Consider yourself warned.  One of the dangers of using Write page that it’s use will make the DB unsupported if Microsoft support is required.

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Database Corruption Challenge #2 Winners

It is my pleasure to announce this weeks winners in the Database Corruption Challenge – Week 2.

There were many great solutions submitted, and I hope that everyone learned something from this weeks challenge.

My favorite part of the whole challenge was this post on Twitter…




The whole goal of the Database Corruption Challenge is to help everyone be better prepared for when they do encounter corruption.

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Difference Between TRUNCATE TABLE and DELETE FROM Table

Most DBAs know the usual difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE FROM, however one not so obvious difference between the two is how things are handled if the table is corrupt.

For instance, if you look at the corrupt database from the Database Corruption Challenge Week 1, you see the following


If you want to clear out the corrupt Revenue table, one way to attempt to do it is with a DELETE statement like this.

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Corruption Challenge 1 – An alternative solution

After posting the winning solution for Corruption Challenge 1 from Brent Ozar, I realized that he and I both solved the corruption by using the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option on CheckDb. A very nasty move, however it did repair the corruption.



After reading some feedback, one of the winners stated:

As soon as he ran REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS, I knew we weren’t on the same page. I just never do that unless I’ve exhausted all the other options.

Which is a good point, in this solution I was fairly certain as to what REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS was going to do, however in a real world scenario, who knows what might be effected beyond the initial table that we know about.

There are several other options to clean up the corrupt table besides the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option. These options still involve copying the data off to another table and finding the missing data from row 31, however how the corruption gets cleaned up varies widely with the following options:

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Corruption Challenge 1 – how I corrupted the database

Since the corruption challenge completed yesterday, I have had several request asking how I created the corrupt database. So here is the script that I used to create the Database Corruption Challenge 1.

First the initial setup. Most of this I stole from a query training session that I did several weeks ago. All I really needed was a table with some data in it.

CREATE DATABASE [CorruptionChallenge1];

USE [CorruptionChallenge1];

[DepartmentID] INTEGER,
[Revenue] INTEGER,
[Notes] VARCHAR(300)

INSERT INTO Revenue ([DepartmentID], [Revenue], [Year])
VALUES (1,10030,1998),(2,20000,1998),(3,40000,1998),
 (1,10300,2003),(2,1000,2003), (3,900300,2003),

UPDATE Revenue SET [Notes] = CAST(NEWID() as VARCHAR(300)) + 'This is some varchar data just to fil out some pages... data pages are only 8k, therefore the more we fill up in each page, the more pages this table will flow into, thus simulating a larger table for the corruption example';

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [clustId] ON [dbo].[Revenue]
 [id] ASC

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ncDeptIdYear] ON [dbo].[Revenue]
 [DepartmentID] ASC,
 [Revenue] ASC

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ncBadNameForAnIndex] ON [dbo].[Revenue]
 [Year] ASC
INCLUDE ( [Notes]) ;

-- first lets look at the REVENUE table
 FROM Revenue;


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