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dotNetDave – Rockin’ The Code World

I am scheduled on July 6th for a special session on Rockin’ the Code World with dotNetDave.

I was on a session a couple of years ago of the show with Dave, and now I am coming back for another episode.

During this episode we plan to talk about more of a non-technical item but something that we hopefully all face, is how do we get to retirement one day.

Perhaps you hit the .com rush wiht some pre-ipo shares in the 90’s or hit it big in crypto in the last few years, but for the rest of us we have a long ways to go to get to retirement. This is just going to be an open discussion of what it would take to get there, and how we can work in that direction.

Many of us in technology have moved from company to company or have worked as freelancers or contractors, while some have had solid government jobs with a pension or good retirement plan.

Some are old enough to be retiring with a little help from social security and others may never see much out of social security, or the equivalent in other countries.

I would like to one day get to retirement, but what does that mean to me?

Here is the link for more info on the show on July 6th

I enjoyed being on the show last time and look forward to being on it again.

If you are not familiar with this show, please check it out.


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