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Wait statistics, in the context of SQL Server, refer to the amount of time that a query spends waiting to access data in the database. When a client application requests data from the database, the request is placed in a queue and the client application must wait for its turn to access the data. The time that the query spends waiting is called a “wait” and is tracked by SQL Server. This information can be used to identify potential performance bottlenecks and optimize the performance of the database. Wait statistics are commonly used by database administrators to diagnose and troubleshoot performance issues in SQL Server.

If you are having performance issues associated with this wait type and need some help, please contact us with our 30 minute consultation link.

The PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETFILEATTRIBUTES wait type in SQL Server is a type of wait that occurs when a query is trying to access the attributes of a file on the servers file system. This type of wait can occur when a query is trying to access files such as database files, log files, or other files that are stored on the servers file system.

When SQL Server encounters this wait type, it means that the query is unable to continue processing until the required file attributes have been retrieved. This can result in slower query performance and can even cause the query to time out if the wait is prolonged.

One way to reduce the occurrence of PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETFILEATTRIBUTES waits is to ensure that the servers file system is optimized for efficient file access. This can include making sure that the disk where the files are stored is not over-utilized, and ensuring that the server has sufficient memory and other resources to handle the file access workload.

Additionally, properly indexing your tables and databases can also help to reduce the number of times that SQL Server needs to access files on the file system. This can help to improve overall query performance and reduce the occurrence of PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETFILEATTRIBUTES waits.

In summary, the PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETFILEATTRIBUTES wait type in SQL Server indicates that the query is waiting to access the attributes of a file on the servers file system. This can result in slower query performance and can be reduced by optimizing the file system and properly indexing tables and databases.

More details avilable on this wait type here: http://DatabaseHealth.com/Waits/PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETFILEATTRIBUTES.html

Do you have a favorite tool for monitoring your wait statistics on SQL Server over time? This is something that you can use Database Health monitor to do. More details at http://DatabaseHealth.com.

If you are having performance issues associated with this wait type and need some help, please contact us with our 30 minute consultation link.


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