Improve you knowledge and skill set with this FREE Database Health Monitor training and Q&A. This training will be held every month on different days of the week and times so to fit a variety of schedules. Steve will demonstrate tips, tricks and features of this power house tool. Each month he will cover a different topic which will be followed by your questions.
Database Health Monitor is a powerful performance monitoring and diagnostics solution that shows administrators server health, performance or availability problems within their SQL Server environment, all from a central console. If you haven’t already, you can download Database Health Monitor before the next session.
Next session will be held:
Thursday Feb 9th from 9-10pm PST via Zoom.
*Space is limited
If you’d like to:
- Quickly understand the health of your database.
- To learn how to get the perfect report for your needs.
- To learn short cuts within Database Health Monitor to save time.
- Locate bottlenecks in your SQL Server.
- Find tables that are using the most disk space in your database.
- Find and fix long running queries.
- Run reports that show the most fragmented indexes for your database.
- And more…..
Related links:
Database Health Monitor download link
Database Health Monitor website
Raving fan comments of Database Health Monitor
Licensing agreement/ways to increase your SQL Server connections
More from Stedman Solutions:
Steve and the team at Stedman Solutions are here for all your SQL Server needs.
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