10 Days of Reports with Database Health Monitor
Day 1 – Database by Size
The databases by size report is a quick and easy way to see which databases on your SQL Server are the largest. The chart shows the databases by size, and the grid at the bottom of the page shows all the databases on your SQL Server.

When you are working on a new to you SQL Server this is a great report to get a feeling for how big things are. One of the top things I want to know when working on a server is which databases are the biggest, and how big are they. Do we have hundreds of small databases, or do we have one really large database with several smaller databases.
This is also handy to keep an eye on to see if you have unexpected growth on your databases.
The grid includes the following:
- Name of the databases.
- Disk space taken up by data, and indexes (Rows column).
- The size of the transaction log.
- The amount of space taken up by File Stream
- Text indexes
- The overall size or total amount of disk space for the entire database.
- The state of ONLINE, OFFLINE or something else.
You can get to this report by going to the Server Overview page and clicking the chart that shows the largest databases by size.

Want to know more about Database Health Monitor and these reports, take a look at the class we have built with several hours of training video: http://stevestedman.com/dbh-school
Related Links:
- Download Database Health Monitor https://databaseHealth.com/download2
- Database Health Monitor Training Class http://stevestedman.com/dbh-school
- More information on this report http://databasehealth.com/server-overview/instance-level-reports/databases-by-size/
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