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Database Health Monitor Update January 2022

Database Health Monitor

The moment of truth.

Database Health Monitor

Database Health Monitor Update is out! Time to put on the bullet proof underwear and big boy pants to find out if over 10 years working on Database Health Monitor will pay off, and if anyone actually gets enough value out of it to participate in this new licensing structure.

Database Health Monitor Connection Point System

The absolute cheapest way to get up to 20 server connections is to purchase the Database Health Monitor course for $99 per year. When you purchase the course, registered email address is given 20 connection points, or 20 server connections.

The insecure voice inside my head is saying:

“What if nobody finds enough value in Database Health Monitor to pay the $99.99 per year? What do I do then?” This would be a really bad sign. That would mean people see little value in DBH and refuse to pay 28 cents/day to use this product (on up to 20 SQL Servers). Would then this mean I have wasted thousands of hours over the last 10 years developing this product? In this case I would feel really stupid.

The more secure voice in my head is saying:

“What if everyone pays for the course which in turn gives us the foundation we need to grow the product into something more amazing.” This would be great news! It would help fund all developers at Stedman Solutions and make even more improvements to DBH.

I expect it will not be quite as cut and dry as that. I expect we will land somewhere in the middle where enough people will find value in DHM and thus help grow the product over time. I would be very happy if that is the case, and I look forward to finding out how it goes.

If you choose to participate in the course, or any of the other methods for gaining server points, I want to thank you, as that will make a big difference in the future of the product.


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