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Civil unrest – what is your backup strategy?

This is something that has really come in the news over the last couple years. A lot of civil unrest.

Living in the Pacific Northwest, we heard a lot about what was going on in Seattle, and as Seattle decays businesses are impacted.

There was a lot of things happening on Capitol Hill in Seattle last summer or the summer before where whole block city blocks were barricaded off and taken by the occupation. If your business was there, you might not have been able to get to your systems. You might not have been able to get your servers, you might not have had power.

A lot of crazy things are going on in todays world. And it’s one of those things that if you’re in a location that is likely to see civil unrest or rioting, what’s your strategy?

What’s your cloud strategy?

How are you going to handle that situation if there is a failure if you need to restore from backup if your DBA needs to be on site, but they can’t get there because of whatever is going on in the city.

Portland is Portland, Seattle is headed that way too. Places where you have civil unrest that may prevent you from getting to your systems, that would be a little bit scary for me from a business perspective. So in that case, I would want to make sure I had cloud backups. I would make sure that there was a way to get to my systems, even if the physical location was totally inaccessible.

What is your plan?


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