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User objects in the master database

Recently when doing a database upgrade for a client, I was informed that we had missed some user procedures, tables and functions in the master database. I needed a way to track all these down so that I could confirm that all the same user objects existed in the new master database, as those on the old server’s master database. Since this was a clean install to a fresh machine, I did no want to just move the master, msdb and model databases over.

Here is the query that I ended up using to track down the user objects in the master database.

	,o.type_desc AS ObjectType
	,SUM(st.row_count) AS Rows
	,CAST(SUM(st.used_page_count) / 128.0 AS DECIMAL(36, 1)) AS SizeInMB
FROM master.sys.objects o
LEFT JOIN master.sys.dm_db_partition_stats st ON st.object_id = o.object_id AND st.index_id < 2
GROUP BY o.object_id
HAVING o.is_ms_shipped = 0
	AND o.NAME <> 'sp_ssis_startup'
	AND o.type_desc NOT LIKE '%CONSTRAINT%';

If you come across a similar situation and need to find user objects in the master database then perhaps this query will work well for you also.

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2 thoughts on “User objects in the master database”

  1. Steve, in my case, I have a large number of procedures that I’ve created in the master database, which are marked as system objects via sp_msMarkSystemObject; that allows them to leverage relative paths to sys.objects, etc, so it varies on database context.
    so in my case, i ignore everything that is in the sys schema, instead of using is_ms_shipped = 0

    — 2020-08-09 08:39:31.331 MachineName:STORM-ORIGIN; ComputerBiosName:STORM-ORIGIN;
    — STORM-ORIGIN\Lowell STORM-ORIGIN\Lowell Authorization Scheme: NTLM STORM-ORIGIN
    — Context: STORM-ORIGIN; Database:master; Version: [SQL 2016 || 13.0.4259.0] Developer Edition (64-bit)
    schema_name(schema_id) As SchemaName,
    o.NAME AS ObjectName
    ,o.type_desc AS ObjectType
    ,SUM(st.row_count) AS Rows
    ,CAST(SUM(st.used_page_count) / 128.0 AS DECIMAL(36, 1)) AS SizeInMB
    FROM master.sys.objects o
    LEFT JOIN master.sys.dm_db_partition_stats st ON st.object_id = o.object_id AND st.index_id < 2
    GROUP BY o.object_id
    HAVING schema_name(schema_id) ‘sys’
    AND o.NAME ‘sp_ssis_startup’
    AND o.type_desc NOT LIKE ‘%CONSTRAINT%’;

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