- As a DBA, what is the biggest problem or mess you have had to clean up in a SQL Server. If you have been a DBA for long enough, at some point you …
- Question submitted at SteveStedman.com: Is there any formula to calculate size of TempDB? There are some great formula’s out there for instance to calculate the max server memory setting (https://bornsql.ca/s/memory/), however calculating the …
- A query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and says ‘Can I join you?‘ One table responds… Only if you are willing to commit. Getting Help …
What Version of SQL Server Are You Using?
For me, I support SQL Server version from SQL Server 2000 all the way to SQL Server 2019 and Azure SQL. In a typical week I work on everything in between SQL Server …How Much Backup History is Too Much?
How much is too much when it comes to backup history. What we are talking about here is how much backup history do you want to keep, backup sizes, what file was written, …- A few times each week I get questions from people wanting help with a query. If the solution is something simple that I can see right away without spending much time then I …
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