Here is a list of my blog posts from the last week.
SQL Server Text Data – Reclaiming space
June 18, 2020
Earlier in the week I answered a question about reclaiming space, and after that post, I decided to put it into a video. Take a look at the video below from YouTube. Take …Read More »
Worst Day as a DBA
June 17, 2020
What was your worst day as a DBA? We all have ups and downs in our life, perhaps some of those bad days are the days that make us realize how good we …Read More »
Setting text field to empty or null does not release the space used
June 16, 2020
Here is a quest that was submitted on the blog today. HelloJust have a question about a table of mine one of the columns is of type text and its of estimated size of …Read More »
Configuring Merge Replication
June 15, 2020
This video is a 12 minute demo of how to quickly configure merge replication and to see it in action between SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2017. However most of what is …Read More »
SQL Server Recovery Models Explained
June 14, 2020
SQL Server recovery models often incorrectly referred to as (MS SQL Recovery Mode) define how your SQL Server database will treat your transaction logs. There are 3 SQL Server Recovery Models to choose …Read More »
Ransomware on SQL Server
June 13, 2020
What does ransomware do to a SQL Server? Ransomware The way that ransomware generally does their thing it encrypts files and then leaves some clues around telling you that you need to pay …Read More »
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