Recently Derrick and I had a chance to help with a corruption repair in Thailand, just to clarify, the client was in Thailand, not us. This was our second corruption of the year this year. Here is what the client had to say when we were done helping.

We were in a bind, our clients are a manufacturing facility with 1000+ workers heavily reliant on their ERP system to run their operations. Their products are highly sensitive and require tracking each transaction for compliance purposes so this basically means manufacturing stops if the ERP stops…
And we had a major SQL DB failure. Almost 2 full days of production was lost, high cost, high pressure and high stress.
The hardware was not optimal, which didn’t help for time constraints and we were facing DBCC failures that just simply were not documented (or at least google had no results).
We scoured the web for hints and tricks to help solve this issue and came across and submitted a request for consultation, not knowing what to expect.
Steve and Derrick were fantastic, they were able to pinpoint the issue within a very short timeframe and helps us get back up and running.
Their expertise and specialist knowledge in this area of database corruption is by far the best I have ever seen.
A big KUDOS to you both and a big THANK YOU for fast and quick response.
Adam , DTS , Thailand
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