Yesterday I blogged about submitting to SQL Saturday Denver, which is about 5 months away, after writing that post, I realized that I haven’t even blogged about SQL Saturday Redmond which is occurring in just over 2 weeks.
SQL Saturday #393 Redmond marks just 3 years since my first time speaking at a SQL Saturday #108 in Redmond. So lets take a look back, at Feb 5th, 2012, it was my first time presenting at a SQL Saturday ever, I had discovered this cool new query tool called the Common Table Expression, and I prepared my presentation. I practiced my presentation once before Saturday, and I was ready. Did I mention, that this was also my first time every attending a PASS event, or a SQL Saturday, and I was presenting. I was in the morning time slot after the keynote, and boy was I nervous. Over the next year I presented at I few other SQL Saturdays, and finally a book publisher, Joes 2 Pros noticed my presentation and asked me if I wanted to turn it into a book. In 2012 and 2013, I turned it into a book, which was released the same day as SQL Saturday #212 Redmond, where I again was selected to present on Common Table Expressions, this time I had books to give away as a prize.
I missed the SQL Saturday event in 2014, now I am back, and ready to present at SQL Saturday Redmond #393 on May 16th, 2015.
My session will be on JOIN types, and it will build off of my JOIN Types poster that I created a while back.
Exploring SQL Server Join Types – INNER, OUTER, and much more
Joining tables is one of the fundamental aspects of any relational database, but the different ways of joining tables are often misunderstood. Learn about INNER JOINS, OUTER JOINS (LEFT, RIGHT and FULL), OUTER JOIN with exclusions, CROSS JOIN. Also find out how multiple INNER JOINS impact your result set versus multiple OUTER JOINS. By the end of this presentation you will at a minimum you will be able to answer that common interview of “explain the difference between an INNER JOIN and an OUTER JOIN”.
SQL Saturday Redmond will be a great day. I look forward to it. If you see me there, please say Hi!
-Steve Stedman
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