Today I learned that two of the sessions that I proposed for Vancouver DevTeach were accepted.
This event taking place on December 2nd to 4th 2013 at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Center Hotel. It will have 3 full days of main conference (Dec. 2-4). Don’t miss this Vancouver DevCon!
The first session:
Using FILESTREAM and FILETABLES in SQL ServerSteve Stedman – SQL341
Configuring and Using FILESTREAM and FILETABLES in SQL Server Developers love to use SQL Server to store files, but this causes headaches for the DBA, finally a reasonable solution for file storage in SQL Server FILETABLES and FILESTREAM. SQL Server 2008 and 2012 add the new features of FILESTREAM and FILETABLES. Learn how to configure and manipulate files in your SQL Server with FILESTREAM, then learn how to do everything that FILESTREAM sounds like it should do with FILETABLES. With FILETABLES inserting is as easy as drag and drop. |
And the second:
SQL Server Performance for DevelopersSteve Stedman – SQL327
For the .NET programmer, Visual Basic programmer or PHP programmer, if you are accessing a SQL Server database there are some things you should know to performance tune your queries. Learn how to improve query performance with Indexes, how to properly use parameterized queries, using the query analyzer, and avoiding common SQL Server performance pitfalls. |
This should be fun. I always enjoy spending time with the #SQLFamily to the North. Where I live, even though it is in the United States, Vancouver is the closest large city at only 44 miles from home, where Seattle is 97 miles form home for me.
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