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I’m Speaking at SQL Saturday #190 in Denver



One of my sessions was accepted for SQL Saturday #190 in Denver this year.

Please come see my CTE presentation.

Common Table Expressions – Introduction

Have you ever wanted to create a recursive query, but didn’t see how to do it. With the Common Table Expressions session you will learn everything needed to start using CTE’s for recursive queries, as temporary views, and to use the result set multiple times in the same query. Learn how simplify query syntax using CTE’s. One of the most overlooked features of SQL Server is the CTE which not only simplifies the query, but gives you the ability to do things that would otherwise be impossible (or at least very challenging) with SQL Server. The class is designed for people who haven’t used CTE’s before, or for those who want to learn the basics of CTEs including data paging. This session pairs well with the Advanced Common Table Expressions session.

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1 thought on “I’m Speaking at SQL Saturday #190 in Denver”

  1. I have organized 5 SQL Saturdays, and enjoyed it. But it is still time-consuming, and doing 4 of them a year makes me feel tired just thinking about it. If you can assemble a team of volunteers where 2 3 people plan and execute each event and you rotate duties, that sounds reasonable to me. Not every city has such a good team, though.

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