As shown in my previous posting on SEQUENCES, they are a user-defined object that generates a sequence of numeric values in Transact SQL 2012. But what if you want to generate letters instead of numbers.
Here is a code example of a sequence used to generate letters (indirectly).
-- SEQUENCE -- generating letters with a sequence. --DROP SEQUENCE lettersSequence; CREATE SEQUENCE lettersSequence AS tinyint MINVALUE 65 MAXVALUE 90 CYCLE INCREMENT BY 1 ; SELECT char(NEXT VALUE FOR lettersSequence) ; SELECT char(NEXT VALUE FOR lettersSequence) ; SELECT char(NEXT VALUE FOR lettersSequence) ; SELECT char(NEXT VALUE FOR lettersSequence) ; SELECT char(NEXT VALUE FOR lettersSequence) ;
Which generates the following output.
Just another cool trick with new features in sql server 2012.
For more info on sequences, take a look at my presentation for SQL Saturday 166 in Olympia WA.
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