5 days until Beta 3 of the Database Health Reports. Coming soon, and this one is going to be cool. Although Beta1 and Beta2 had a number of great monitoring features Beta 3 takes a whole new approach. All of the previous features in the database Health Reports report on the current status at the time you run the program. With the Beta 3 there will be Historic Wait Monitoring which keeps track of your SQL Server when you are not watching it. Then when you realize that was a problem you can go back and look at what may have been causing that problem.
Beta 3 will have Historic Wait Monitoring. Here is an example screen shot of the Historic Wait Monitoring. Beta 3 of the Database Health Reports will be available between 11/15/2012 and 11/20/2012.
Here is a preview of the Query Waits Advisor, which will be available soon in Beta 3.
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Hello, what unit of measure is waittime being tracked? My initial thought was milliseconds, but after converting it out to hours, months, years, I’m seeing waits that are older than the database was created.
SELECT DB.DBName, H.HostName AS [USER], P.ProgramName,
wN.logTime, wn.waittime,
CAST((wn.waittime/3600000) AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ‘:’ + –Hours
CAST(((wn.waittime – ((wn.waittime/3600000)*3600000))/60000) AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ‘:’ + –Minutes
CAST(((wn.waittime – (((wn.waittime)/60000)*60000)) /1000 ) AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ‘:’ + –Seconds
CAST((wn.waittime-(((wn.waittime)/1000)*1000) ) AS NVARCHAR(20)) AS [Hours / Minutes / Seconds / Milliseconds],
WT.LastWaitType, Q.query
FROM dbo.waitsNormalized AS wN
LEFT JOIN DBHealthHistory.[dbo].[waitsLastWaitType] WT ON wN.wait_type=WT.lwtID
LEFT JOIN DBHealthHistory.[dbo].[waitsDBName] DB ON DB.dbnID = wN.dbname
LEFT JOIN DBHealthHistory.[dbo].[waitsHostName] AS H ON H.hnID=wN.hostname
LEFT JOIN DBHealthHistory.[dbo].[waitsQueries] AS Q ON Q.wqID = wN.wID
LEFT JOIN DBHealthHistory.[dbo].[waitsProgramName] AS P ON wN.programname=P.pnID
ORDER BY waittime DESC