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Finished the Beginning C# Course on the Joes2Pros Academy

After 23 years of programming experience, many years of C, C++ and C#, I realized that I have never actually taken a course in C#.  As part of the early release and testing on the Joes2Pros Academy I decided to work through the Beginning C# Course on the Joes2Pros Academy.


The Beginning C# Course was one of many courses available at the Joes2Pros Academy. I really enjoyed the course as it filled me in on a few assumptions that I have made over the years, and just reinforced my overall C# knowledge.  Now on to the Intermediate C# Course that I plan to complete in the next week or two.  Learn about C# and many object oriented programming concepts like data types, casting, parsing, conditional decisions, and loops.

The video content on these courses is great in that it pushes you to learn the topics step by step building a strong foundation, then on to a stronger overall knowledge. Take a look at the Joes2Pros Academy academy if you haven’t see it yet.

As an instructor at the Joes2Pros Academy I have been part of creating the SQL Server 2012 Administrator Courses.

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