Here is a quick video tutorial on how to use the IIF function on SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014 0r newer. This was originally part of my free SQL query training for the 70-461 certification exam.
Here is the sample code from the video.
USE Master; GO IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'QueryTraining') BEGIN ALTER DATABASE [QueryTraining] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; DROP DATABASE [QueryTraining]; END CREATE DATABASE [QueryTraining]; GO USE [QueryTraining]; GO ------------------------ EXAMPLES SETUP ------------------------ -- Table to be used for training CREATE TABLE REVENUE ( [DepartmentID] int, [Revenue] int, [Year] int ); insert into REVENUE values (1,10030,1998),(2,20000,1998),(3,40000,1998), (1,20000,1999),(2,60000,1999),(3,50000,1999), (1,40000,2000),(2,40000,2000),(3,60000,2000), (1,30000,2001),(2,30000,2001),(3,70000,2001), (1,90000,2002),(2,20000,2002),(3,80000,2002), (1,10300,2003),(2,1000,2003), (3,90000,2003), (1,10000,2004),(2,10000,2004),(3,10000,2004), (1,20000,2005),(2,20000,2005),(3,20000,2005), (1,40000,2006),(2,30000,2006),(3,30000,2006), (1,70000,2007),(2,40000,2007),(3,40000,2007), (1,50000,2008),(2,50000,2008),(3,50000,2008), (1,20000,2009),(2,60000,2009),(3,60000,2009), (1,30000,2010),(2,70000,2010),(3,70000,2010), (1,80000,2011),(2,80000,2011),(3,80000,2011), (1,10000,2012),(2,90000,2012),(3,90000,2012); ------------------------------------------------ -- IIF (2012) USE [QueryTraining]; GO -- now the same functionality using IIF and simplifying the code -- SELECT Year, DepartmentID, Revenue, AverageRevenue, IIF(Revenue > AverageRevenue, 'Better Than Average', 'Not Better' ) AS Ranking FROM (SELECT Year, DepartmentID, Revenue, AVG(Revenue) OVER (PARTITION BY DepartmentID) AS AverageRevenue FROM REVENUE ) AS t ORDER BY DepartmentID, year; ---------------------------------- SELECT IIF(3 = 2, 'true', NULL); -- ERROR ? ---------------------------------- SELECT IIF(1 = 7, NULL, NULL); -- ERROR ! --Do you think that IIF actually uses the CASE statement?
More Info:
- Additional Training on my YouTube Channel
- Free SQL Query Training
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