Throughout my career I have worked with different programming and database tools.  Thinking back the tools that I enjoyed using were the tools that were easy to get the job done, and the tools that I hated using were the tools that were the most difficult to use. Being good at what I do means mastering the tools so that …

3 Steps to Work More Efficiently in SSMS. Read more »

Today, the Database Health Reports had its 300th dowload.  I would like to say thank you to everyone who is using the product, and an extra thank you to those who have provided me with feedback. Since I started  planning the Database Health Reports a year and a half ago, until the latest download release on January 10th, 2013, it …

Over 300 Dowloads of the Database Health Reports Read more »

I am at SQL Saturday in Vancouver BC today. Here is the download of my presentation. Download zip file. Here is the presentation outline. OVER Clause Enhancements ROWS PRECEDING, FOLLOWING, UNBOUNDED RANGE PRECEDING, FOLLOWING, UNBOUNDED IIF – Immediate IF or Inline IF (from Access) CHOOSE (from Access) OFFSET / FETCH FORMAT CONCAT SEQUENCE (from Oracle) sp_describe_first_result_set New Date and Time …

SQL Saturday Presentation Read more »

Last month I posted another CTE blog entry Using a CTE to Split a String Into Rows with Line Numbers.  Since then I have used it but, but realized that what I really needed was a diff tool to compare two strings similar to the command line diff tool. First we take a look the SplitWithLineNumber from the previous article.  This …

VARCHAR diff function Read more »

Just a reminder, we are a couple weeks into beta 4 of the database health reports.  If you haven’t tried it out, take a look at   You can use the Database Health Reports to increase the overall health of your SQL Server from finding duplicate indexes to tracking down wait stats on your SQL server.  Beta 4 has …

Beta 4 of the Database Health Reports Read more »

Last year while working on my CTE presentation for a SQL Saturday I added a blog post called “Using a CTE to Split a String Into Rows“, and since that posting I have used it many times. But as things go in development, eventually there is a need to do something more. Doing some complex string building to create files …

Using a CTE to Split a String Into Rows with Line Numbers Read more »

Today I released Beta 4 of the Database Health Reports. It has been 2 months since Beta 3, and several bug fixes and new features have been added.  The main focus on this beta was fixing bugs, increasing stability and a new more solid setup program. My favorite part of the application is the historic waits advisor, which allows you …

Database Health Reports- Beta 4 now available. Read more »

One possible cause of the “Cannot resolve the collation conflict” error message is that your database collation doesn’t match the TempDB Collation. Recommendation It is recommended that the collation of your database match the collation TempDB.   It is possible that if your collations do not match that you may get errors, or that queries using TempDB will not run …

Cannot resolve the collation conflict Read more »

I had so much fun at SQL Saturday in Vancouver BC last year, I have decided to go again. The sessions submitted are: The “Run Faster” Switch The NO_LOCK hint is often believed to be the “Run Faster” switch, but in reality can cause some very inconsistent results.   Explore alternatives to the NO_LOCK hint to get your queries to run …

Sessions submitted to SQL Saturday Vancouver BC Read more »