For everyone using Database Health, sorry for the delay, other projects have been keeping me far to busy. Today I released an update to Database Health called Beta 8.2. For those attempting to use Beta 8.1, please upgrade, and this should get you going again. The download is available at: Also this one never expires, so nobody should run …

Database Health Beta 8.2 has been released Read more »

With SQL Server 2014, there was a new compatibility level introduced, level 120 the new SQL Server 2014 Compatibility Level. SQL Server can run in a number of different compatibility levels, but how do you change it and how do you set it. These compatibility levels reflect the version of SQL server. 60 = SQL Server 6.0 65 = SQL Server …

SQL Server 2014 Compatibility Level Read more »

Here is a video that I produced to introduce software development teams to Agile Scrum.   This video covers Agile vs waterfall. 3 roles of scrum 3 artifacts of scrum 3 ceremonies of scrum User stories Software options   Also, please take a look at Uzility for scrum software.  

I have been working on a video as part of the Uzility product. One of the diagrams in the video is scrum workflow that shows the scrum process from the product backlog all the way through to sprint review and retrospective.  Here is the diagram, what do you think? The video will be coming soon.

As we have been building the Uzility agile product, we have been following agile development principles, following the release early, release often and get customer feedback. There have been things that we have tried, and things that we have learned from, and updated or changed. Its interesting when you have a design for part of the system that you think looks …

New Uzility Card Designs. Which do you prefer? Read more »

A new feature has been added to Uzility and is now available to everyone using Uzility. This new feature is called the Daily Scrum and it is available from the current sprints page as shown here. The intention is to assist in the daily scrum or daily standup meetings to highlight what people are working on or where they may …

New feature added to Uzility – The Daily Scrum Read more »

By: Steve Stedman CEO at Uzility Software Some of the first backlog grooming meetings that I participated in as a scrum master were extremely painful. I would be working with multiple product owners and many of them weren’t using the same system to manage their backlogs. Some were using Excel to manage their back log, others using a text file, …

How Kanban Software Makes Backlog Grooming Simple Read more »