At our February webinar presentation on Database Corruption, Stedman Solutions will be giving away 3 daily checkup subscriptions one 3-month subscription, one 6-month subscription and one 9-month subscription.  A value of $300, $600, and $900 each! If you are not familiar with our SQL Daily Checkup product, here is how it works. You need to have Database Health Monitor (free) …

Prize giveaway at the February webinar presentation Read more »

SQL Daily Checkup from Stedman Solutions, LLC. We provide monitoring tools that alert us and you when there is an issue so that we can recommend fixes before the issue becomes a bigger problem. The notification runs every hour and alerts us of issues that may require your attention. Over time even on the best configured SQL Servers, things change. …

SQL Daily Checkup service… What is it? Read more »

When working with SQL Server transactional replication, one of the common checks to see if things look healthy is to insert a tracer token into the replication data stream and see how long it takes to get to the subscribers. This is a process that can be very tedious if you have multiple publications to check, as you need to …

Transactional Replication – Tracer Tokens Read more »

On February 17, 2021 at 6:00pm Pacific time Derrick Bovenkamp and I will be presenting a webcast training on SQL Server Database Corruption. After repairing dozens of corrupt databases over the last 6 years we are going to share our experiences. Some of the good, the bad, and the ugly of corrupt databases. What things people did to make it …

Database Corruption Presentation – preparation Read more »